Chapter 12

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That night...

(no ones POV)

Naomi was lying next to Kai on his bed. The red ninja was fast asleep, but Naomi couldn't fall asleep. She felt as though she was being watched. A minute passed. And then another. And another. Soon, she couldn't bear it anymore and looked over at the doorway. She screamed when she saw a figure standing there. She couldn't adder any of it properly, just the silhouette. It jumped slightly, before moving away, quickly, yet silently. "What's wrong?" Kai asked, now wide awake. Naomi turned to him.,"There was someone watching me," she sobbed, terrified. Suddenly, the others appeared in the doorway. "What happened? What was that screaming?" Ollie asked urgently. Kai hugged Naomi to his chest and looked at Ollie. "She says someone was watching her," he said. "I didn't hear anything," Cole said, "If someone was watching her, they wouldn't have been able to leave without one of us seeing him." "Maybe it was a ghost?" Jay suggested. That just made Naomi cry even harder. Ollie slapped Jay's head. "Dude, not cool." She walked forward to hug her cousin. Kai felt her arm touch his and a shiver ran up his spine. "It's okay, sweetheart," she soothed, before pulling back to smile at the younger girl, "Maybe it was your mom, watching after you like David said she would." Naomi sniffed. "I don't think so. It didn't look like mummy," she turned to Kai worriedly, "It looked like it had spiky hair. Do you think it might've been Johnathan?" Kai shrugged. "Probably not." Naomi's face grew more terrified. "But not certainly not?" Ollie stepped forward. "Well, whoever was watching you is gone now," she said softly. Naomi nodded and smiled at her cousin. " you think you could sleep in here tonight? make sure whoever was here before doesn't come back?" she asked shyly. Ollie looked at Lloyd, who nodded his head once to confirm the uncalled question. Ollie turned back to Naomi and smiled. "Of course I will."

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