Chapter 1

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Lexi POV:
I'm getting ready to head out to the club with my friends Bri, Crystal , and Samantha(Outfit in MM).
Crystal:Bitch hurry up
Lexi: I'm going hoe , calm your tits. I'm already done.
Bri and Samantha: Dam about time.
*Lexi walks out to the living room where her friends where at* Lexi: Dam I love you guys to
Samantha: Dam girl you look fine.
Lexi: I know.*laughs* Anyways let's go.
Lexi: When we arrived to the club it was lit. I must admit I love going to clubs , I love dancing. Me and my girl went straight to the dance floor.
Lexi: (After a while of dancing) Hey girls I'm gonna go for a drink alright.
Girls:(To busy dancing) Yeah okay.
On my way to bar I crashed into someone, I look up and I see Drake! (Did I mention I'm a big fan of drake, I listen to all his music and I have clothes from his clothing line) I take a deep breath and think to myself "okay Lexi calm down , don't be akward."
Drake Pov: I was looking down at a message from my nigga Jermaine aka Jcole, when I bumped into this bad ass female. She had a beautiful face and a perfect body.
Drake: My bad ma.
Lexi: (Omg he called me ma. Lexi chill) It's okay, anyways bye. (Heading to the bar)
Drake:(Grabs her arm) Hold up let me buy you a drink. As an apology for bumping into you. What's your name by the way?
Lexi: Lexi. My name and nah it's cool.
Drake:Nah, I insist babygirl.
Lexi: Alright fine.
(At the bar)
Drake: Can I get a shot of tequila and a (looks at Lexi)
Lexi:Make that two please.
Bartender: Alright coming right up. (Hands them the drinks)
Drake chugs his shot and watches Lexi as she chugs hers.
Drake: Dam ma I like a lady who knows how to drink.
Lexi: *Giggles* Thanks *flips hair* just kidding, but I need to go my friends are are waiting for me. (Omg I'm feeling drake but I don't wanna show it, I dont want him to think I'm a groupie that he can just fuck)
Drake: Oh word, dam you can't kick it a little more ma?
Lexi: No sorry. (Walk back to dance floor to find friends)
Drake POV: Dam girls always want me and she just dissed me? She didn't even freak out or anything.

Sorry if this first chapter is boring.

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