New Start

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The car pulls up to the house that I soon hope to call home. I get out at the same time as the rest of the my family.

"Jo, Scott,and Bella please help me with the boxes. Sophia please go check out the house." My mother says as we get out of the car.

"So how many girls you going to flirt with this time" my little sister asks me,"zero" I reply annoyed.

She starts laughing hysterically, "I'm pretty sure that's the biggest lie you have ever said, like you always get girls to have se-" "Sophia" my mother interrupts.

"Bella get off your phone and help" My mothers says annoyed, "Ok, ok I was  talking to Jeremy" Bella responds trying to calm down my mothers. "Who's Jeremy" Scott asks weirded out. "Nobody" Bella quickly replies and runs inside. 

"Sophia get off your phone or you won't have it for the rest of the day" Sophia looks up at my mother in disbelief.

"Gosh, you know what your not stressed your on your period hunny"Sophia says as she skips inside,"Sophia" my mother says annoyed.

I pick up a few boxes and take them inside.

"I dibs this room" I hear Sophia say. I walk upstairs expecting her to take the biggest room but instead it's the tiniest one in the house.

"You know this is the smallest one in this house" I tell my dumb sister.

"I don't care I like it" she replies back trying to be smart. "What, just like how you like licking peoples toes" "Childish" my sister shouts at me, "Faggot" I shot back and keep walking.

I walk downstairs "mum I'm going for a walk" I shout "ok Jo" she replies, probably to busy to think about what I'm saying.

I walk outside and start walking down the footpath. I look down but feel my shoulder bump into another person.

"Oops sorry" I hear a sad voice say. I look up at a girl with bloodshot brown eyes and tear stains on her checks.

She keeps walking,"gosh I can't do anything right" I hear her mumble.I think of what she says, and immediately get a gut feeling to run after her. 

 "Wait" I shout as I race to catch up with her "are you alright" I say to her,she turns around.

"Oh um yes i'm fine, thankyou" she replies back to me, "are you sure" she looks at me then looks down.

"Whats wrong" I ask worried. "Nothing you don't need to worry" she shakes her head.

"Well I hope whatever wrong it gets better" I say quietly. "thanks whats your name by the way" she asks. 

"Joey...Joey Birlem" 

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