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Soooooooo apparently HARRY was seen last night in la at a studio?!?!?!???? (pic above) WHAT COULD THIS MEAN? POSSIBLY SOLO MUSIC FROM HAZZA??? YES? NO? OKAY. 

hes also wearing one of my favorite shirts on him oh yesss 

I swear this book was supposed to be just about my life so that i could look back at this one day and go awww yeah i remember that but its turning into a 1d hiatus update book oops? 

so i guess i will make a couple chapters of just a bunch of random things i like and dislike. current emotions. my high school life. boysssss ;) and stuff like that so sorry this book is so shit ha! i never thought that people would actually read it. it was suppose to be a personal thing but i like that i can share it with you guys :)

have a nice day x gbye

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