Chapter 4:Is Something Wrong?

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There is nothing to say but this chap sucks, I can't write. I'm soooo tired. Look at the tiny cute bill above. Anywho enjoy of you can... Sorry it's short...

"They say what you see is what you are, but ignorance is the glare in your mirror that hides part of you."

-Dipper P.O.V.-

         Bill Cipher....

     The yellow triangle floated there watching me and smiling enjoying my confusion. How can this be? Can't he only enter your mind if you agree too?! What's his game? My mind gains a pounding feeling once he entered and now I'm scared.
"HA! Good to see you Pinetree!" Agh Bill and his comments made an echo across the void. It faded as he had his little arms on his corners. This isn't a good thing at all.
"BILL! What do you want! Last time I saw you, you turned me into a puppet!" Ya this should remind him. He messed with my body, threw my soul out and honestly, I fear him more now that he's here without my permission. My fists ready to fight and my feet ready to run.

"Aye kid calm your needles down... I'm here tooooooo talk per say...." Needles? He really said needles. He really thinks in a Pinetree. I'll stick these needles up your fucking triangle ass bitch.
"What do you want Bill..." Bill just aggravates my whole ass world.
"I want to talk! I can't visit other friends?" Not if there inter dimensional demons who tricked me and used my damn body as there fucking game.

"No they can't if there you."
"Awwww come on, aren't we friends?" I stare at Bill with 'your joking,right?' face. This little fucker.
"Ah, you got me. I'm here to make a deal with you."
"HA! You really think I'm going to fall for your tricks?! Go to HELL BILL!"

"I would but I don't have a soul to punish!" He got me there. Now I'm stuck in a rock in a a hard place.
"Look I'm not in the mood to deal with you. I was relaxed until I figured out this is the mindscape and not a dream."
"Look kid, this deal is in a way beneficial to you! All your problems will be gone! And we can work together-".

"NO! I will never work for you! And besides why do you want to work with me anyways? I'm a human.." Fuck this shit, I'm out. I lay onto the ground trying to wake up.
"That's were your wrong kid. Your more special than you think..."
What does he mean? I'm a teenage human boy who just so happens to be the nephew to the author of the journals.
"You special kid. Even I would of never thought of you to be one of my kind." He has to be lying. Bill is a demon I can't be a-
"-demon. You're a demon. That's why you out of everyone else is special." He's in my HEAD. This is a joke. He has to be joking. I now pacing back and forth, already jolted up from my laying position. I fingers rubbing my temples. I'm not a demon. IM NOT A DEMON....or could I be?
"Right you're wrong, nephew... "
NEPHEW!? Hyperventilation sets in now. My hands in my hair, grabbing as I still pace even faster and faster. Bill has to be playing with my mind. It's a trick. It's only a game so he can use you again. But what if he's right? Look at how I've been acting. The dream too... and how did he enter my mind if he has to ask.

"Explain an maybe I'll consider I'm a demon. I doubt it though..." If this is true I want to know how, why and who. Curiosity, always gets the best of me. It might be the end of me. Yet again if I'm a demon, the end of me was a long time ago. "Ok, Last time when I possessed you I sensed something in your 'soul'. You only have half a soul. And your other half was corrupted, turned into a demon essences from-"
"Stop it... stop it right now. You are fucking with me right?! This is a LIE! Demon essences? That's only in video games you HAVE NO PROOF! Your TRICKING ME! THIS IS NOT REALLY! It's n-not re-eal...." I can't hear anymore of this lie. He is only going to use me. This asswipe is gonna use me and hurt everyone. What if he is telling the truth. If he uses me then I could be a danger. Then I'm not alive?

"Let me FINISH! Prick... Now I'm not telling you. But you are right. It's the truth whether you like it or not... And I bet your nightmare yesterday will prove what I'm saying..."
The nightmare, he knows.... Did he fake the dream. No, only my mind can cause a dream. So I'm a demon. Oh no. Wait? He said I'm his nephew?! I'm related to Bill? If then is Mabel not my twin by blood? Questions and theories kept popping up with no answer.

"Is there something wrong? Being a demon a fun! And your my nephew, so this won't be the last time I visit you! Well I leave you thinking... Just reconsider our deal. Remember, REALITY IS AN ILLUSION THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM! BUY GOLD BYYYYEEEE!"


"AHHHH! Fuck fuck fuck, is this real..."
I pinch myself and it's hurts. But pain also can happen in the mindscape. I stand up to see I'm still in the woods. The sun is very high in the sky. Wow I slept in, no thanks to him. Well it's real life, I hope.

I look at my watch. It's 1:36pm. WHAT? Well there goes perfect time to well, actually I don't need relaxing time, I need thinking time. I'm a demon. Or am I? Can I even be half demon half human. If so, do my parents know? Is Mabel the same? No, Bill only mentioned me.

I'm 'special', but that can't be the only reason. I need to get the mystery shack to think. At least there Bill can't read my mind.  While I walk home only one question pops up in my head. Is there something wrong with me?

Is he a demon? Is he a mix? What is Dipper? I wonders what Mabels doing.
(1089 words)
Oh well
Till next time my triangle Doritos!

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