Chapter 12: Is It Worth It?

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Hey guys I'm updating again.... Very earlier! U guys deserve any other chap cause I haven't updated in like 3weeks before the last update. I'll update soon again!
Any who enjoy!

"What's better- Determination over Morals? Or Morals over Determination?"

-Dippers P.O.V.


Uh? Where am I? All I see is woods but there is no sky, only stars that cover what should be a sky. This place seems oddly very familiar. I keep walking and mentally wonder and ask questions about this place. I hear and notice my voice echoes when I talk in my head. Is this even real life? Can I be dreaming? Suddenly the ground shakes and rumbles.

I can't run away. I trip and fall onto ground. The sky brakes open and I stare dead at it in fear. Gravity ceases to exist and I float up and enter into a black pit, of darkness? Well at least I'll give it a name while I'm at it. At least now I know this is some kind of dream or beginning of a nightmare. But why does it feel like I've been here.

I fall and fall in but I start to lose the feeling of fear. I'm actually enjoying this. The emptiness is sorta scary but it's soothing in a way. I can actually think clearly in here. I close my eyes, relaxing and not thinking when I see a shadow. I open my eyes in shock but see nothing. I guess it's just my imagination... But that ceiling isn't! I see a whitish gold color ceiling. Ugh this is going to hurt.

I land on the ceiling but it hurts but only for a few seconds. I stand up to a fancy looking room. But everything is upside down. Gravity some how turns itself on and I fall onto a tilted floor. OW! My butt hurts but then the pain goes away, just like before. Weird.... I stand up to look around. Black with yellow curtains, black cushion chair but it's on the side of a black obsidian table with golden designs and on top are some papers, old books, a feather and ink next to blue books with a golden hand? 

It looks like it's has 6 fingers.... How is that so? There must some sort of an explanation.The only books that have such symbol would be the journals and there red-d.... Wait. I've seen this journals before. And this room. This has to be the mindscape and not a dream, and that can only mean one thing. This is Bills place... And he's invited me over. Great.

Now what does he want. WAIT! This is- this is good... Now I can ask him stuff about the 'demon bible'! Where is he? "Bill! Where are you?!"  I look around to see where he'll pop up. Why would I be here if he isn't gonna show up. I call out his name again. Nothing. Weird....

Maybe he's busy. I walk around and look at what's on his desk. What has Cipher been up too? I look at his papers. There all in different languages most seem non human. Great. Well maybe I can see what books he's been reading. Maybe there are answers in here.

I check all the books but still nothing. All I want is to be a demon. To reach my potential. What do I get? I get NO WHERE in the learning process! My voice echoes loudly in the empty room. Heh.... The silence stays and sticks for a while. Intensifying my thoughts and emotions. I just look down, shame, maybe I can talk to Bill in the real world. 

I start to walk away from the desk and start to look for a way out. As I start looking I feel a shiver go down my back. "Who's there?!" I stand still not showing fear. Maybe it's Bill just trying to scare me. "Aw... Come on Pinetree I can hear you thoughts, remember?" Yup it's Bill.

I relax my muscles. "Bill don't startle me like that! Uh... any who why am I here?" Better start off with why I AM here. I like to be straight forward.
"I jus' wanten to talk to ya nephew!" Why is he speaking with that kind of accent? It's not like him....
"Oh I just wanted to sound like an uncle... WHOOPS!" His comments are so dumb sometimes. Dumber than mine.

"Look why am I here?" I sigh. First the whys. Then-THEN I'll ask him my questions.
"Well actually. I need to ask you something... Well a few questions..."
This is getting serious. His tone wasn't even crazy mad or playful like usual. "W-what kind of questions?" Maybe he's just playing around trying to trick me once more.

-Bills P.O.V.

"Naw Pinetree. This is serious... I-I need to ask you about your what's it called- abilities..."
Is this kid that powerful as the prophecies say? I don't even know if I should train him. But if I train him and get him on my side just maybe by some crazy luck he might not go all genocide on us demons.

"Well actually none to be honest... That's why I've been looking and learning some new stuff so I can start training...." He fiddles with his fingers. With such nervousness. That it's actually funny. "Jeez kid relax.. Heh don't worry! I'll train ya just don't whine ok? It's gonna be a ton amount of excruciating pain and you need to have A CRAP TON OF DETERMINATION!"

He looks down, I know what he's think. He's wondering if he can do it. He wondering if it's worth it. To loose the rest of his 'humanity'. "Ok... I'll do it- I was gonna train after all? Why not by a professional?" Good.... he's on my side.

"Sooo tell me more about the new stuff you learned...." He knows more than he telling me. Let's get as much out of him.

-Dippers P.O.V.

Oh great, he's asking me about the book. Well at least the basics. I shouldn't tell him EVERYTHING. Only what he needs to know. And I should start off with the demon I want to be.


"So ya but I doubt I'll be a puppet master or even an ULTIMATE demon.. Heh, I doubt it though- that's why I'm sticking with what runs in the family..."
I think he knows what I'm talking about. Plus it's easier for training since he is a dream demon not a puppet master demon.

"Pinetree that's a good plan. Stick with what ya know and you'll be fine. Sometimes dreaming big isn't always the best route including in this situation..." Ya he's right. I tell from his expression he's in deep thought. I should train soon. I wanna learn how to read minds!

"You can't... Sorry for that- Demons can't read other demons minds..." WHAT WHY NOT? That's outrageous. Then wait how can he read my mind? Is it because I'm a hybrid?
"No it's because you haven't triggered your abilities yet dummy- I thought you would realize that but oh well.." Still the same Bill as before. Well I should be getting back. It's probably 10am by now in that world.

"Bill I gotta go. We can chat later today but I need to go back...." Ahh I just remembered I have to deal with Mabel. She might still be mad at me.
"Alright Pinetree. SeE yA LaTeR!" What The funk? Why he sound so-so creepy?
Everything goes dark... And everything stays silent....


Hum-uh oh. Reality..... I fell a giant headache as I open my eyes. The light stinging my eyes and the silence worrying. I sit up and rub my eyes. I look over to Mabel's bed and see she's gone. It's probably pass 10 by now but why is the house so silent?

Maybe they all left? It makes sense. And it wouldn't be the first and surely won't be the last. I stand up and I go to the bathroom. Well time to start the day. And now today I get to start demon training. This is actually a good day! Hello day.... goodbye yesterday!

Well Dip! You have changed in attitude!
That's good but why was Bill agreeing to train Dipper? Is there another reason? Oh well.
(1409 words)
Until next time my tiny doritos!

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