Quit dragging me everywhere.

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Brooke's P.O.V

2 Weeks Later.

Today was the day i was releasing my album.

Kiss and Tell.

I was so excited and it was going on sale today! It was supposed to be released at 12:00am this morning but we decided to move it to 6:00pm tonight and me and the boys were going to have a small get together. I didn't want. A huge party like the boys suggested as it wasn't really my scene. I'd prefer to get some people to come over and have a night in.

Eleanor had to fly back to England to go back to university. She'd already had a break of 2 months whilst she was visiting the boys and some family that lived here. But she went back last week. It was very emotional seeing her go and Louis was a wreck at first. But we bought him some carrots and let him Skype her and he soon got over it.

So anyways it was currently 2:30pm and I had a meeting with Stacey before I was allowed to go home and relax. The boys were coming over around 4:30pm ish but first they had a meeting with Simon.

I walked into the building of Stacey's office and as I was walking through the doors, Stacey rushed through them the other way grabbing my arm and dragging me into her car.

"What was that for?"

"I've got a surprise for you, we're going some where." She said

"Where?" I asked

"You'll see." She only replied

We drove for another 20 minutes me just singing along to the radio. I checked my twitter and followed some fans. I make sure to follow as many as possible, I mean they're the ones who are making this music thing possible. I decided to post a tweet.

@BrookieHampton: Stacey is taking me somewhere as a surprise... Been in the car for 20 minutes #Scared. Anyways everybody make sure you buy #KissAndTell at 6:00pm :) love you guys. x

We drove for another around 10 minutes before we pulled up outside a huge tall building. Stacey parked the car and dragged me inside the building.

"Quit dragging me everywhere" I moaned as we got inside.

"Stacey and Brooke, Simons expecting us" Stacey said to the front desk lady.

"Ahh, yes, He said go straight up. It's the top floor." The woman said.

Okay, Stacey then proceeded to drag me AGAIN! Into the elevator before pressing the button for the top floor.

I was so confused. Who's Simon? Why are we here? What's happening? Is the album not being released? Am I getting unsigned? What?

Stacey knocked on the door in front of us.

"Come in." I heard a mans voice say.

She walked inside and I walked after her. Finally I'm allowed to walk somewhere by myself without being dragged along.

As I walked in I faced a man sitting behind a big wooden desk and five boys sprawled out on the couches.

I knew the man behind the desk and I know those five boys all to well.

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