Ch.1: Winnings of the Draw and Trailer

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A class waiting for their teacher to be back from out and about, yelling and talking amount their peers or friends or classmates. All but one girl in the back corner desk. With long waist length red hair, pale white skin, 5'4 ft tall, and about 15 maybe 16. Her blue grey eyes behind black nerd glasses as they scan the words upon the pages of the book she was reading. "The Darkest Part Of Forest" her new book, she just got from Walmart. So caught up in her world, she didn't heard her Teacher calling for her. "Athena!" The sudden sound, startled the girl known as Athena. "Yes?" Her voice small and quiet. "Athena Grace, you and 3 of our best students are going to the Paris Academy, for studies there" their teacher, Mrs. Swan with her strict tune, straight blonde hair in a bun, the wrinkles just above her lips- blue eyes and she business suit and black heels. "What!" "The Nerd is going!" "What about those clothes?!" Some many complain they were not going there, Athena sank in her seat uncomfortable by the this. "Silent! Now as everyone for the rude outburst to Agent Grace, you will write a 5 paragraph essay on your gadgets and their purpose." They all groan glaring at the young girl, she was the youngest at Academy(thanks to her brother being a Legendary Agent). She hopes she can some work done there, she loved history but it wasn't just that she liked. She loved their culture and arts. Oh, the arts how she loved the plays especially by William Shakespeare. She sighed going back to her book. She didn't understand why she needed the help of 3 immature teens with her studies or mission in Paris. But the head of broad directors says that she must. She didn't know who they were but nor did  she think she wanted to know.

In another class, music and singing filled the room. The lead singers being Jake and Jazzy Perry. Singing "Carry On My Wayward Son", their voices could be heard across the hall. "Carry on my wayward son....there be peace when your done, so lay your weary heard to rest......don't you cry no more" they sang a song well know from the show "Supernatural" which most students watch during free time. "Ah! Music to my ears, children" says Mrs. Song in awe by their tune, voices, and song of choice,"now everyone. Come, come, come." They sit on the floor or against the wall. "I have good news, our very own Jake Perry is going to Paris with Thee Agent Grace's sister." Everyone cheered. It was an honor to work with a Grace for they were the best spy/agent family known in the business, Jazzy was jealous of her brother but happy he got this. It was all he could talk about beside singing career(of course). Jake looked up shocked,"What!" His brown eyes widen. "Yes! I know I know good news!" "I get to work with a Grace!" He smiled real big as his sister hugged him. They both had dark skin, brown eyes, black hair, Jazzy being 5'2 ft tall and Jake being 6'0 ft tall, and Botha about 16 years old. "Yes, now everyone as I was going to say before the good news. We are going to learn.."

Out in the forest, were training the Squad 3C practicing fighting, spearing, ect. "Park!" A boy with brown hair, dark brown eyes, white skin, 6'2 ft tall, and about 17 looked up,"yea Sir?" "Come here!" He runs over,"yes?" "Congratulations, my boy your going to work on a study mission with a Grace." "With all do respect sir. I don't need help for a study mission." "Well that not my choice boy now go back and go and give me a mile!" "Sir yes sir!" He runs to the tracks and runs along with his peers.

On the other side of the academy, was 4D Squad. They were learning to hack, the whole class surrounded a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes about 17. As she was hacking one the biggest websites. "Look at her go!" "Go, Charles!" Her fingers typing so fast across keyboard. "And....Done!" The group cheered as the screen showed 'Access'. "Well done, Miss Bella" says Mr. Tucker," now as you know they drew the winner of the contest and our very own miss Bella Charles is one of them." They cheered. "Now everyone back to class." They went back to their lesson.

But they all wonder who were other peers?

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