"Eddie come here I have some fantastic news." Eddie heard his mother yell from the kitching he made his way down the stairs his blonde brown hair sticking up in different places. It had been three weeks since Patricia had left and although he didn't see it everyone else did, since Patricia had left Eddie had been a state although they were best friends it was obvious they were supposed to be more.
"What is it you need that made me get up at let's see 6.53am are you out of your mind." Eddie shouted annoyed he had been woken up. He began tapping his foot impatiently.
"Well you wanted to see your dad so i as in me and your father have decided that you will begin attending a school in England where your father works you'll also be living in Anubis house and attending Amun Boarding School where a familiar red head may go." His mum said muttering slightly as she got to the end pleading he hadn't heard but to her luck he had.
"When do i leave... when do i leave." Eddie shouted happy he will be able to see his once best friend. Yes they had kept in contact but they hadn't talked much due to the time zones.
He couldn't wait to see his best friend again.
Trudy entered the common room to only see a few faces Joy, Jerome, Alfie, Amber and Nina to be exact the only ones not there were Patricia, Fabian,Mick and Mara. Mick and Mara where on a date and Fabian was researching things on his computer to do with the next task leaving Patricia phoning Eddie.
Trudy walked over to Joy. "Joy would you please go get everyone to come to the common room." She asked politely, Immediately she ran to Fabian's room then Patricia's only to see Patricia on the phone smiling like crazy.
*Phone call*
"Hey Eds whats up?" She spoke into the phone just as she did the door opened reveling Joy Patricia held her finger up signalizing 1 minute.
"Well Princess pushy pants." Eddie spoke into the phone. "I have a surprise for you and before you ask i'm not gonna tell you what it is you have to wait till tomorrow morning." Eddie spoke clearly before she could ask more he hung up. She smiled excited for the surprise forgetting Joy was there.
"Hey Joy what's up." Patricia spoke trying to clear her mind.
"Trudy wants us downstairs she has an announcement. Oh and i heard your phone conversation with your boyfriend." Joy spoke giggling.
Immediately Patricia gasped trying to find words.
"Joy he is not my boy friend he's Eddie the one i was telling you about my best friend." Emphasizing the word Best friend making sure she didn't get the wrong idea.
"Whatever." Joy giggled at Patricia's reaction before the pair made there way downstairs Patricia's smile growing at the thought of her best friend giving her a surprise.
*the common room*
Patricia and Joy entered the common room Patricia's smile trapped on her lips. As the girls entered Jerome spoke.
"What's got you so smiley Trixie." He spoke addressing Patricia to the nickname she hated she missed being called Yacker.
"Nothing. Nothing at all." She spoke slightly blushing.
"Really Patricia nothing you sure cause i'm pretty sure your Boyfriend wait no Best friend has planned a surprise for you." She heard Joy mutter whilst everyone just looked at Patricia like she had two heads.
Trudy sensing the tension decided to speak up at that point.
"Okay guys well we are getting a new boy tomorrow he's flying in from America so be nice."
Once she had finished speaking the residents heard a ding Patricia looked down at her phone;
"Miss you." Two simple words and she smiled she put her phone down to realise everyone's heads had turned to her. She smiled before shouting.
"What you all looking at." With that she made her way upstairs waiting for her surprise to come tomorrow.

"Till we meet again."
RomanceAfter growing up together Patricia has to leave America and go to England leaving an upset Eddie behind. After months Eddie is sent to England to meet his dad. With Patricia staying at Eddie's dads boarding school and with Eddie's dad being the head...