Challenged by: lordsquid to do type dis:
Through blood and glory I will protect twilight forest
And I turned it into this:
The,yd, blgge ame glPez i wil Potsmth hoIrhemw yowy
Wow... I know I'm not good at memory stuff but I didn't know I was THAT bad!!
Ok, the phrase for you five is:
Do you wanna have a bad time?I challenge:
1. NinjaTurtleManaic
2. LovelyCat_MLPfan368
3. theturtlegamer
4. TheWaffleSquid
5. jaycobgarner
RastgeleAs the title says, I'll post random things on my mind, things that mad me mad/sad/happy/ other feelings. I'll also post tags, challenges, and other cool things!