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Aoife's POV:

It's been a few days since I woke up from my coma and I was discharged from hospital yesterday.

Overall, it's been quite overwhelming being bombarded with all sorts of questions regarding myself, my feelings and about what happened. Detectives have constantly pressed for an accurate description of Irma- despite my fear of crossing the line, I told them. They assured me that she would be behind bars for years when they caught her. If they catch her...

My face is still swollen and bruised and the scar leading from my neck down to my chest will definitely be permanent.... I look so ugly. I wasn't even that pretty to begin with. Dan's lovely and tells me otherwise though, but I really don't believe him. How can he still love someone who's so ugly?

Everyone's been so caring and protective as usual- they assured that I was never left alone really. They were all so worried that Irma would strike again- Dan in particular was petrified. He refuses to leave me; no matter how hard I try to persuade him that he's playing with fire- he's not having it. I'm secretly glad that he doesn't want to break up as I'd be lost without him. I just hope that Irma is caught soon, then we can live our lives once it's back to normal.

It's about 5am by now, I could see the sky starting to brighten up through the blinds. However, my eyes felt heavy as I had been awake for hours as I just couldn't sleep. Fear and worry of Irma finding and hurting us would torment my dreams. But I was determined to remain strong.

I had been itching to get up and stretch my legs but I was unable to do so as I couldn't move. Even in his sleep, Danny's arms had remained wrapped  tightly around me, crushing me into him as his head nestled into the crook of my neck,  soft hair brushing against my jawline. He was still fast asleep as his long eye lashes cast shadows on his structured cheekbones, his mouth open an inch as he breathed deeply. I moved one of my arms to stroke his silky hair, running my fingers down his face and caressing his cheekbone. He didn't even stir.This was the most relaxed I had seen him in days.

The lack of sleep over the last few weeks were really taking a toll on him. I feel so guilty- I was the reason for this. The last few nights, I'd wake up to find him awake, sitting up stiffly against the head board, unfocused gaze staring at the wall in front of him. Sometimes I'd wake up to him screaming unconsciously as he lay curled up, trembling violently before bursting into tears and leaping into my arms when I awoke him.  That was only part of his nightmares.

Nearly every night, his mind would cook up horrendous thoughts. Nightmares that included himself or someone he loved being hurt- either me, his family or the lads. He was also extremely paranoid, jumping at any sound or upsetting at the slightest thing.

I had shared my concerns with the lads, but they've just reassured me that he'd be fine and told me to give him some time. But maybe they were right... Dan had slept blissfully through the night- surely that was a good sign? Finally I could feel my eyelids starting to droop, I gave in to the exhaustion and fell asleep in the strongest arms known to man.


I awoke a few hours later when I heard shuffling beside me. I slowly opened my eyes to see daylight streaming in through the window and  to see Danny who was awkwardly trying to separate our bodies without waking me. I chuckled softly. Hearing me, Dan lifted his head as I focused on his brilliant green eyes.

"Mornin' love, sleep well?" He yawned, stretching out beside me.

"Yeah great" I lied. My head was pounding from the lack of sleep, but I didn't want him to worry. "How about you?"

Feels like you're drowning but you've still got breath..... [Danny O'Donoghue]Where stories live. Discover now