Chapter 1

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L= Luke







Emma pov

But mom why do I have to go to this stupid camp!
C~ Because I went there and because I said so. Bertram already picked your bag and its in the car so your going.
Ugh! Fine I'll go to this stupid camp.

R~ Emma it will be fun.

Z~ Emma it wont be that bad.

L~ At least we wont have to go to summer school like I had to last year.

Okay I don't need to be talked into this because I already have to go. Bye mom the limos here ill see you soon.

C~ Emma don't be so negative you might meet someone and I know you will be a great counselor.

And with that the limo pulled up and the Ross kids got in and then the limo pulled away and headed to a camp called Camp Kikiwaka.

Were finally here I don't think that I could handle another minute with you farting Luke.

Z~ Mean either. What did you eat for breakfast a rotten egg?

L~ No Bertram made me bacon and toast

R~ Well that explains it you ate Bertram's food.

Come on guys lets go sign in and find our cabins

The kids pulled up to this table with two people sitting there looking like they are checking people in.

Comeon there are no cute guys here

R~ You'll fine someone later

I sure hope so

The kids got checked in and started waliking towards their cabins

Meanwhile someone yelled to a young boy to go long to catch a football while he was running after the ball Emma was looking at a map to find woodchuck cabin.

Then it all happened suddenly the boy and Emma collided and fell to the ground with the boy on top of Emma.

Emma and the Boy stared at eachother for like a minute before anyone said anything

B~ oh I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going

Oh its okay I was just trying to find my cabin

X~ I'm Xander

I'm Emma

The two teenagers got up from the ground and shook hands

X~ I can help you find your cabin if you want

That would be great because I couldn't find it anywhere

X~ What cabin are you


Xander smiled

What I asked

X~ nothing its just my good friend Lou is the counselor of that cabin

Oh ok than I should be fine

X~ You definitely will be

Omg I have to go I forgot my little siblings back at the table

X~ Im sure they're fine how old are they

Lets see Zuri's 10 ,Luke's 14, Ravi's 14

X~ And how old are you

I'm 15

X~ I'm 15 too

I really have to go find them because I have to get Zuri settled into our cabin and I have to take Ravi and Luke to Grizzly cabin

X~ Your just in luck I'm head counselor of Grizzly cabin so once we find them Ill take the boys to the cabin and maybe later we can meet up.

Thank you so much and ill definitely hangout with you tonight.

they both smiled at each other and continued to look for Emma's younger siblings

There they are. Luke, Ravi ,Zuri im really sorry I left i don't know what I was thinking.

R~ it's okay Emma we were fine

Z~ Who's that she said pointing at Xander

That's Xander he's head counsler of Grizzly cabin

L~ So I see you already found a guy

Luke shut up

Zuri ,Ravi, and Xander laughed

Xander is going to take you two to your cabin while I take Zuri to ours. Ill text you guys later to see if you want to meet up later. And Luke don't say anything to embarass me

L~ Im already way ahead of you

Luke... Bye guys and Xander thanks for taking them to your cabin.

X~ No problem I guess Ill see u later


And there's the 1st chapter should be updating soon

The Summer I Met Him:                                       A Xemma fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now