Chapter 6

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Freddy's POV

That was Weird...Why did Bonnie Already did That? Hah...

I Walked back to the stage,Seeing Chica Holding a Glass Bottle.I sat Beside Bonnie and Looked at the Bottle."What's With the bottle?" I ask.

"We are gonna play Spin the bottle.Whoever gets Pointed Needs to Choose Truth or dare" she Explains,Placing the in the middle.i put away The Candle as She Spins the bottle.

As it Spins,It becomes slower and slower and stopped,Pointing at Chica.

"Dare." She Quickly say,Crossing her Arms."I Dare ye To Sit yer Booty In the Candle's Flames" Foxy Smirked As Chica Glared.she Moans And Walks infront of the Candle's Fire.

"I Regret what i Chose" She mumbled As She Sits down on the Candle's Fire.She Kept this Up With her eyes clothes as It Opens Wide.She Screeches and Jumped out of the candle,Running to The Bathroom,Holding her Butt.

Foxy Started To Burst in Laughter as He Fell Down,Pounding his Fists In the Floor. "Harharharhar! Im Crying!" He Laughed out as he Wipes The tears in the corner of his Eyes.He Sat up On the floor as Chica Comes back with Steam comin out of her Butt.

"Damn you,Foxy." Foxy Chuckled and Spins The Bottle.It Spins and Spins As it Lands on him.Chica Whispered behind His ear.


Foxy's Ears Perk up."Dare?" Chica Grinned Widely. "OKAY ITS A DARE"

"Wait Wha--"


'Man,What kind of Dares Are they Making?'

I Thought as Foxy Huffed and Goes to the Bathroom.He comes back wih his Hands full off Kid Crap.

'Ew yuck! He is really gonna do it?'

I thought as He shoves The Waste in his Mouth.His Eyes Twitch and Shivered As he Swallows.He stick His Toungue out and Started to shake."Ew,Foxy i was being Sarcastic" Chica Giggled.

"WHAT?!" Foxy Shrieks and Glared at Chica,Making a Fist."yea,haha! Well this is the real dare,I Dare you to Brush your Teeth and Clean Your mouth until You cant taste The Crap anymore" Foxy's Ears Bend down as He got all hot Headded and Stomped to the Bathroom.

Now it was Chica's Turn to Burst in Laughter,Fall Down And her fists pounding in The Floor.We Hear A Far Away,"DAMN YOU,CHICA!" I Chuckled Silently and Spun the spins And lands on Bonnie.

'Oh thankgoodness it was not me'

"Dare." He says.

'Oh No...'

Chica Smirked and Wiggled her eyebrows."I Dare you To Kiss Freddy.IN THE LIPS!!!!" She Says With her Eyebrows Rising up and Falling Down.

"Wow,An easy Dare." His face Also Grew Into a Smirking Face with Wiggling Eyebrows.He looks At me Seductively as i Blushed Red.

"My, My...I haven't Even Started And your already blushing Red~" He teases. As i Look away and Tried to Hide Away My Slightly Red Face.

But i Felt a Hand Cupped My Cheek as I Look at Bonnie.After my eyes Saw Bonnie,I saw His Lips as They crash into mine.My eyes became Wide As he Pulls Away after 3 Seconds of Kissing.

I blinked two Times And Heard Squeals Of Joy."Aww! I Now Ship Freddy and Bonnie!!! ITS SO CUTE." She Giggled As i hear Foxy's Footsteps."Ship? What Ship? Me' Cove Does not Have a Ship,for yer' Infer'mation!" He says,Sitting down at his Place.

"Haha! Silly Foxy,No! I Ship Bonnie and Freddy!" Chica Says,Pointed to us.

"They arr' What Yer' Gonna Use as a Boat?" Foxy Tilted his Head,Confused.

Chica Choked in his Giggling And Coughed two times."Ack! NO! Meaning I want them to Love each other!!" Chica explains,Making me Blush A Bit.

I felt A Tap in my Shoulder As i Look at Bonnie with my Face still Blushing."Hey,Your Blushing Again. You want me to kiss you again?~" He Teased and Slightly Chuckled.

I Blushed More Red."Hey,Lovematronics.LETS CONTINUE!!!" A Certain Chicken Say As we Both Look at them."Alright,Alright! Jesus...." Bonnie Then,spun The Bottle.

But as i expected,It lands on me."Alright,i choose Da--" Being Cutted off by a Sneezing Chica."AAAAATCHOOO!!!!~" She Sneezed,Putting The Candle's Fire Out As the candle Falls over.

"Sorry!!!" She apologizes."Anyways i dare You To pose like Bonnie"

"Chica! Ye Should'er Made it Intrestin..." Foxy Comppained. Bonnie Rolled his Eyes as Everyone looks at me.I sighed and Stood up.

I Removed my Hat and my Bowtie,Untying Bonnie's Red Bowtie.I Tied My Bowtie to His Neck and Tied His Bowtie to mine.Though the Ribbon was Too long For Me,So it had Extra Ribbon Ends Hanging Down.

I made my Ears Rise up Straight.I Grabbed Bonnie's Guitar And Posed Like Him Like How he posed On the Stage.I looked at the Gang With a Warm Smile.

"Wait,I cant see You very well.Let me just...." Chica Grabbed the Matches Then Lighted up a Stick.She Enkindled the Candle then Put out the Matchstick.

Then the gang Looked at me With A Smile on their Faces."You Look Fabulous,My Friend." Chica Giggled."Aye,Fabulous indeed!" Foxy Giggled With Her.

"Well,I think He looks Cute!" Bonnie Praised With His Usual bright Smile.I blushed  As the Power Turns back on.

"Oh,The power is Back on!" I said As i Look at the Bright Bright light Above me.I put away The Guitar and Scratched My Ears.Foxy blew the Candle's Fire And Puts it away. The Gang Stands up and Dusts Theirselves Off.

I Put My Hat Back on top Of my Head."Well,The Fun is over.good night!" I Smirked,purposely Lying.I still have Bonnie's Bowtie And He has mine.

I Started To walk Towards The office.I waited 3 Seconds before Hearing Bonnie Calling my name."FREDDY!! GIVE ME BACK MY BOWTIE!!!" But It was kinda odd Because it was Loud.

I ran Inside but I Bumped on something."O-Oh im So--" I cut my sentence And Saw Bonnie Infront of me."Eh? Dont you think i thought of your plan You made?" He Smirked."Eep?!" I Started to Run Away With laughter.

He Chased me Around The Pizzaria as he Catch me By a Surprise hug infront."Caught you!!~" He giggled as i Try to Struggle Free.Welp,I failed.

"Give me my Bowtie Then i set you free" He Said,simply.

"Is that All?" I asked with an eyebrow Raised And a Grin.

"A kiss Also~"

I Blushed at the Thought."NOPE!!" i Giggled."Oh You wont kiss me,Eh?" His fingers Started to Tickle me.

I tried To Avoid Laughing.Welp,I failed Again.I burst out Laughing and tried to Remove his fingers.But They just come back And tickle me.

"AAAA!! AHAHAHAHAHA!! STOP! STOP!! OKAY! I'LL KISS YOU!! HAHAAHAHA!! JUST STOP!!" I laughed out,as The Feeling Stops.He pinned me In the nearest Wall.

"Really? I think not,You cant do it~"  He teased as i Puffed out my cheeks.

"Yes i can!" i Answered.

"Then Do i--"  I cutted him off By a Kiss.Well As i expect,He'd Kiss me back.I pulled away and Removed our bowtie from Each other."Told you i could Do it." I Said Proudly.

"Aaand Your Proud?" He Giggled Then Tied his bowtie back on.I also Tied my own Bowtie."Well,see ya!" He Then Walked away with his Hand in his pocket and the other was waving but soon To be placed inside his pocket.

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