Truest of the Truth

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If arzaylea's personality matched her face (which is beautiful not gonna lie) she would actually be a decent person. She's using her powers for evil like I don't think she realizes where she went wrong. She's so beautiful and her body is good enough to the point where she could become a model for Victoria's Secret or Calvin Klein or Hollister. She could so easily get a job there and earn her own money instead of using other people's money so she can pay rent. I mean I don't think she realizes it at all. She could be so successful with modeling instead of being a stuck up bitch. I think if she went with modeling instead of fucking around with guys we would actually like her because we would know she isn't just a wannabe using people for their money because she would have her own income and her own fame.
But that's just my opinion.

ArzayleaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt