Desicions {3}

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Brandon's POV:
I got up that morning covered in pillows and blankets. I was the first one awake and everyone else was sleeping. I went on my phone and checked social media etc.. After that I got really bored so I woke Hunter up. We usually doing morning runs and today I wanted to. It was 7 a.m and we had enough time before everyone was up.
Hunters POV:
It was 6:30 a.m and someone was tapping my shoulder. I rubbed my eyes and realized it was Brandon. "Wake up! We're going for a run!" He whispered but yelled. "Ugh!" I got out of bed and changed into shorts and a t shirt. I went downstairs, grabbed my water and ran out the door.
Brandon's POV:
It was almost 6:45 and Hunter came out. We started running and once we hit ten blocks, we sat down and rested on a park bench. "So what do you think of Autumn?" I said. "She's fun, but I don't like her like that." Lies, I see the way he looks at her. "What about you?" He asks. I'm gonna be honest and call dibs. "I like her." I said thinking e wouldn't hear me. "That's cool bro," he said, and we kept running
Autumns POV:
I woke up at around 7:30 and everyone was gone. I got my phone and texted Hunter.
Autumn: Hey where are you guys?
Hunter😊: Hey, we went for a run. Meet us at Starbucks ASAP.
Autumn: Okay!😛
I got dressed and changed into (the outfit above) skinny jeans, a floral top, a white sweater, and shite vans. I let my hair down and straightened it. I grabbed my bag and left.
-10 minutes later-
I arrived at Starbucks and no one was there, just strangers. A lady at the register said, "Autumn Brooks?" I replied, "That's me, why?" She turned around and grabbed a cupcake frappé, "Special Order," she handed me the drink, I looked on it and there was a note. The note said...

DecisionsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt