2 / Damnit. Its Griffin Singh

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"Its cara-mel not carmel," Tony whines as he, Trish and I sit at our normal lunch table.

"Carmel 100%, honey," Trish says matter-of-factly. I roll my eyes with a smile at her flirting. Don't tell anyone, but she has a crush on Tony.

Tony and I have been best friends since diapers. We live next door to each other, so obviously we became close. Trish joined our group of two in eighth grade, and shes had a crush on him since day one. I know he feels the same way for her - he just hasn't admitted it yet.

"Its carmel you idiot," I tell Tony simply.

"No its not!" He whines. I laugh and take a grape off his lunch tray. He tries to smack my hand away but I just stick my tongue out at him and eat the grape.

"Trish! G is being a bully!" Lemme just say one thing; Tony acts like a child at some points. This is one of those points.

"Grow up Tony," she laughs.

"Did you not just see what she did?" He whines. They start to bicker back and forth. I roll my eyes and stand up to go get a drink.

"Thanks," I smile at the lunch lady. Lemonade: the best drink ever made. I will fight anyone who disagrees- I run into a brick wall and my lemonade goes everywhere. I take a step back and realize its not a wall, but the one and only Kyle Green.


"What the hell? Are you blind?!" He yells at me as he examines his shirt.

"Not really, no," I shrug.

"Whats your problem?" He asks as he finally looks at me.

"My problem? You just got in my way. So really; whats your problem? You made me spill my lemonade." By now the entire cafeteria is looking at us, my cheeks tint pink as I realize it. I have major stage fright to say the least.

He steps closer to me so were a few inches apart, crossing his arms over his chest. "Whats your name?" He says in a whispered tone.

I bite my lip, "Griffin," I say simply, trying to think of something that'd piss him off. "Whats your name?" Sadly though, I already know it.

He scoffs, looking down at me. It's honestly scary how tall he his. Me being 5'4 and him being at least 6'2. "You know who I am."

I shake my head simply, "I don't, mind telling me?"

"Kyle Green, captain of the football team, can get any girl he wants and devilishly handsome."

I laugh but cover my mouth. "Ya, ok, whatever you say big guy. Ill be expecting a new lemonade though, I just spent 3 dollars thats now all over your shirt."

He smirks and looks at one of the girls behind him. She nods, somehow understanding what he said without him saying anything, and comes over to us with a soda in her hand. She lifts it above my head and dumps it on me before I can do anything.

I gasp to the freezing sticky drink, my eyes wide. Trish and Tony rush over quickly. "Oh my gods," I say as I look down at my clothes. I look back up at the girl, "I swear I will shove those stilettos so far up your ass you wont-" Tony covers my mouth before I can say anything else.

The 'popular' group is just laughing at me as Trish and Tony drag me away.

"Tony you guard the bathroom while I clean her up," Trish says as she practically shoves me into the bathroom.

"New game plan," I say as soon ad we get in the bathroom. "Join The-effing-Choice, get him to fall for me somehow and break his heart."

Trish nods, "Evil G....I like it."


"I will now be choosing the girls, at random, who will be in The Choice," Kyle announces in the hallway, a bowl of folded names on a table.

"Julia Heart," he says as a red head screeches in the crowd. She runs up to him, hugging him and kisses his cheek. She tries to compose herself as she stands next to the table.

"Lucy Brookes," Kyle says. The blonde walks up next to Julia, winking at him in the process.

"Anna Wilson," he smiles at this name. The head cheerleader walks up and waves at him, standing next to the others.

"Haliee Jones," Kyle says and she walks up. Haliee is gorgeous to say the least. She joins the other 3 up there.

"And finally, the last girl is," he opens the paper and closes his eyes, "Damnit. Its Griffin Singh."

My eyes widen slightly. "Holy hell," I mutter, taking a few steps forward, Trish then decides to push me the rest of the way.

Kyle gives me a look as I join the other 4 girls on stage. I give him a fake smile and then look down at my feet, not sure what to do.

"Here we have the five girls who will compete to be my girlfriend," He says as everyone claps. I swear I can hear a few girls crying in the crowd.

All of us walk off stage, well they walk and I run.


889 words - 2/25/16. Comment, vote, share 💕

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