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"C'mon, I have something to show you."

I giggle wildly, his hands still covering my eyes. What was this about? He walks me forward, the soft feeling of grass touching my toes. The air has the heavy scent of lilacs, mixed in with something else. Roses? Honey? Whatever it was, it smells amazing.

"How can I see when I have your hands covering my eyes?"

His laughter is light, cheery. Despite all the sadness and horror I'd been facing lately, the sound draws some happiness out of me. I laugh back, still awaiting an answer. He moves forward at a snail's pace as if allowing me to soak in the unseen beauty of the world. I hear the gentle roar of a small stream or river in the background.

"Keep your eyes closed."

His voice is soft, whispering in my ear. I smirk, nodding. Gently, he lifts his hand off of my face. As instructed, I keep my eyes shut, as if glued together. I feel him caress my cheek, the cool metallic wedding ring touching my bare skin. Out of habit, I start to twist mine. The feeling brings on another large grin.

"I know after Faith died...everything's been hard for you."

My smile suddenly drops, replaced by tightly pressed lips, at the mention of my dear sweet dead child. Not only at her passing but at the surgery and disease that robbed me of my ability to have any more. It wasn't fair, some women threw away their children. I wasn't even able to conceive one...

"And I'm not trying to replace her, but you deserve to be a mother."

I can't help it. My eyes snap open. The first thing I see is him, surrounded by a beautiful bright garden. A beautiful boy with olive skin and warm eyes. He's been dressed up in a sweater vest and tan pants. The young child smiles at me, an uncertain joy in his eyes. I instantly fall in love with him.


He has a thick, Hispanic accent, and waddles towards me. His toddler's legs don't carry him far, and I laugh, moving forward towards him. We embrace, his bright heart warming me. I'm not sure if I snort, or laugh, or cry. All I know is that since my baby died, this is the first time I've felt real happiness.

"Welcome to motherhood."

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