One Shot Entry (Mericcup)

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( This is an entry for a contest )


(Merida X Hiccup)

Arranged Marriage AU

It takes us an hour or so to spot the freezing shores of Berk by boat. By that time, the glass of wine I'd been consuming since leaving home is only half empty. My mum bursts in with a smile and calls for me, but her bravado about our soon-to-be-alliance fades into white noise. I'd heard it all before; I need to marry their prince so their dragons will protect us from our enemies, all the while sacrificing my freedom and leaving my home in the process. With a sigh, my ears hear my brothers shout playfully off in the distance, probably sneaking some pastries from somewhere off the deck. I grin at the thought- they were lucky to have such freedoms.

We reach Berk before nightfall. The first thing I notice as I step aboard the rocky, ice-infested ground is the dragons. They were everywhere, and came in every shape, color, and size. It frightened me, completely terrified me to my core, but with my mother at my side I muster what courage I have and push onwards. Before long, we arrive in a square. My mother leaves me in a house to go prepare for the big night, and I'm left alone to contemplate my fate.

Eventually after a while, it's time to confront my fate- and my possibly future husband. I step outside the lonely house and walk towards a large hall. I can already hear music playing, dulled by roaring laughter and applause, which only increases the sour mood I grip tightly.

At least someone was having a good time.

I push the heavy door open, hoping this night would be over quickly. Maybe I could find a way to convince my mother to allow me to go home, or perhaps I could run away and hijack the ship-

"Merida, glad to see you've finally arrived." says my mother cooly, immediately spotting me (naturally). I fight the urge to moan, and instead plaster a fake smile and stand up straight.

"What a lovely dress, mum." I smile sheepishly at her as the forced compliment rolls off my tongue, turning towards my dad who stands next to her.

It's then I notice the hulking viking next to him.

My father was a big man, but he was bigger. Bulging muscles and a full red beard was completed by a silver helmet. Between him and my mum stood a kind looking lady with long brown hair pulled back. She smiles at me, while the man hasn't seemed to notice I was here yet as he was yelling at someone behind him.

"Where's Hiccup?!" he exclaims loudly. Thankfully, I was used to loud voices. If it wasn't for the dragons, I could pretend this was just any other party. But, unfortunately, dragons were hard to ignore...

"This is Stoick the Vast, and his wife, Valka." Says my mother, already making introductions. "And this is my daughter, Merida."

The woman, Valka, smiles and waves at me. Stoick (vast indeed) looks me over before letting out a husky laugh. His hello, I guess.

"What a lovely lassie, Fergus." he says, Valka nodding. Just then, a dragon walks over. This one is mainly blue, with a long neck and yellow spikes decked over it from head to the tip of its long, thin tail. I freeze as Valka pets its head gingerly. It rubs its head affectionately against her before running off, wings plunging it a few feet in the air.

"Thank you, Stoick." I say as nicely as I can. I rip my eyes away from the dragon, stand tall and smile. I see my mum smile encouraging out of the corner of my eye. "You have, uh, lovely dragons." My comment sounds more like a question than a compliment.

"Ah, are you nervous around dragons?" Says Valka. I see my mum flinch up, which of course only makes me feel worse.

"A wee bit." I say unconvincingly. Valka laughs and motions for one of the dragons to come over. A small, lumpy one with brown skin and spikes. It flies over, tipping and sliding as if it's had a bit too much too drink. It bats its eyelashes sleepily.

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