1~ The Plan ~

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Alice's P.O.V

"Ally , get yourself together!", my friend/sister , Selena said to me.

"I know you're right , but I can't.", I said , staring at her, my head hanging upside down from the edge of my bed.

"How can you not? This is what you get for not listening to your sister about who you should date.", she stated, crossing her arms.


"But you really should've listened to me.", she said.

"Yeah , yeah I get it. Michael is a jerk , never shoud've have dated him , I know."

She smirked.

"Hey, what about that boy from kindergaden, that boy that like you, and you hated him, and he would cry, then you guys became best friends."

"I don't even remember his name, besides , he's long gone Selena."

"Oh. Think he's hot now?"


"Sorry.", she said, putting her hands up,"Just asking."

She sat down on the chair, and stared at my laptop screen.

"I know what!"

She started to type in letters. I looked at her confused and stood up from my bed. I walked over to her and saw the screen.

"eHarmony.com?", I said, suprised and confused.

"A dating website of course!"

I backed away.

"NO. I'm not gonna use a dating website to get a relationship! Besides, I barley broke up with him yesterday. I'm not over it yet!"


She signed me up.

"Okay . What do you do for a living?", she asked.

"Live with you, which is painful."

She just glared at me.

"Works as . . . . . a Victoria Secret Model.", she typed.


"What is do you do in your spare time?"


"Works out at the gym, takes long hikes."

"Lies again."

"What do you look for in a guy?"


"Fine Body , Abs ."

I rolled my eyes. She's SUCH a good sister. She then shrieked.

"What!? I'm right here!"

"You got a flirt!", she yelled.

I went over to my laptop screen. She was right.

"I'm not going out with this guy!", I quickly said.

"Oh C'mon!", she said, clicking on his profile.

"Look! He's 19 years old , tall , in a band , works out at the gym a lot. He's perfect for you!", she yelled, turning to me.

"No. No. NO. I am not going to go out with him.", I said , covering my face with one of my pillows.

"His name is . . . . . . . ", she stopped at the name.


"Oh my lord."


"The person who sent you the flirt is . . . . . . . . . I'll let you find out when you go to Starbucks on Sunday and meet him!"

"I'm not meeting this guy , Sel. That's final."

"Fine.", she pouted," I was just trying to help my ONLY sister, the best sister ever, trying to get over a heartbreak, but , I guess I made it worse." , she said , being all dramatic.

She looked at me.

"Fine!", I said, giving in,"I'll go out with this guy."

She ran over and hugged me.


She then went back to my laptop screen and started to type away.

I think it was a good ten minutes before she stopped.

"Okay, so this Sunday you guys are gonna meet. Meet him at the fountain of the center of the mall."

"Wait, he lives around here?", I asked.

"Yup. I know right? Crazy!"

She then left me alone in my room.

This is gonna be a disaster, I can feel it.


(A/N I Know It's Short . Sorry ! Vote , Comment . Bye!)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2013 ⏰

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