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Ok first question - have you ever thought one of your male teachers was hot?

Yeah I thought my eighth grade math teacher was very hot but I never had like a crush on him. Math is a major turn off :p

Who do you think is the hottest male celebrity ever?

Henry Cavil, the new superman is sexy as butt!

I don't even know what he looks like haha.. How long was your longest relationship?

My longest relationship was four months long, not impressive I know, and he went gay when I broke up with him. Go figure

He went gay?Woah! What colour hair do you prefer on a guy?

Either Blonde Hair or Black/Really dark brown hair. Opposite ends of the spectrum there

How about eye colour?

I dont really have an eye colour preference. I love blue eyes, but I'm not gonna not date a guy because of their eyecolor. Unless they are like, black or something kinda creepy like that o.O

or red? Haha. What is the worst chat up line a guy has used on you?

Hmmmm the only one I can think of it the "did it hurt?" "What?" "When you fell from heaven?" and they screwed it up and did it like backwards or sumtin. Then continued to ask me out. I said sorry I don't date before marriage and he never talked to me again XD He didn't have any friends its ok haha

Aw! Well thanks for letting us interview you :)

Thanks for the opportunity!

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