II - other side

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II - Other Side

"Lucas!" I called out my friend's attention who was dozing off in the hallways, probably half asleep or something.

His head turned to the direction of my voice, I met his glance and he lazily smiled upon seeing me.

I went closer, "How are you doing, Luke? It's been a while!" I said excitedly.

"I'm alive and kicking, it's good to see you again, Mavis" He said with a hint of British accent. His blonde hair changed, it was much shorter than the last the time I saw him

Luke just came back from his visit to his parents back in England. It's been almost 3 weeks since I last saw him.

"How was your visit?" I simply asked as we walked down the hallway. "It was really great, good to see my mum and my dad again." He replied enthusiastically. "Glad to hear that. I'd like to visit your country someday." I replied.

"It's nothing too fancy, I swear to you." He said and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "I'm not gonna believe you." I said and he laughed it off.

"Enough questions about me, how have you been doing for the last three weeks that I've been gone?" He asked as we almost reached our destination, our classroom. It was still early and only a few people were here.

"I almost couldn't survive without your majestic presence but luckily I managed.." I said with sarcasm and he laughed slightly. "Hitting me with your sarcasm early in the morning hurts, you know?" He said putting a hand on his chest.

"So, you doing well with Chase?" He asked and I instantly lightened up with his question.

He laughed at my reaction, "Judging from your expression, definitely a yes." I nodded.

Luke is a childhood friend of Chase, they've been buddies since they were children because both of their parents were really close friends.

I've became closer to Luke as well ever since we entered the same college. We were both disheartened when Chase told us he will go to a different college and he had to move places, far away from here.  

"I haven't been able to talk to ol' Chase for a while now, tell him I said Hi." He said and I chuckled, "He said that things are starting to get really busy for him." I said as I absentmindedly stared at the students passing by.

He noticed my change of mood so he lightly patted me in the back. "Cheer up, Mavis. I'm sure his schedule will start clearing up before you know it. We're here for you, okay?" He said, comforting me. "Okay." I replied.

"Didn't we just make a TFIOS reference?" I giggled, but he just stared at me, confusion written all over his face.

"TFI what?" He asked innocently and I laughed at what he said. "It's okay, read more books and you'll get it." I assured him sarcastically and he just shook his head, mouthing a 'what the'

Both of us finally went to our separate ways, Luke's classroom was in the other side of the building and we both have different courses. We bid each other goodbyes. We promised that we'll meet again for lunch along with some of our friends.

I went inside my classroom, only few people were present since it was still early. I greeted them and they greeted me in return.

"Morning, Mavis!" My classmate Arisa greeted and I greeted back in response. "You're friends with Lucas, right? I heard he just went back from England." She asked timidly and flustered.

I get the message from her, "Why yes I am. And yes he just did." I agreed with her and she smiled, "That's good to hear! Thanks Mavis." She said with glee as she went back to her seat.

The girl obviously had a crush on Luke but poor girl, if only she knew about his status. Better not say anything, she looks really happy.

I was messing around with my phone to kill time but suddenly I felt my phone vibrate in my hands. It quickly showed me a text notification in the upper part of my phone.

It was a message from Chase.

My face brightened up and I quickly opened up the message,


I chuckled with his simple message, sometimes Chase is very random with his messages and is always leaving me in wonder. Why was he my boyfriend again? 

He always does that when he's under pressure or stressed. It's a way for him to cope up with it. I hope things get better for him.

I thought about something goofy to reply back with. So I finally settled into something in relation to my favorite song. I quickly typed in my reply,

"Hello from the other side!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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