I - memoria

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Chapter 1 - Memoria

"Mavy, I miss you so damn much. These past few days have been hard on me. I hope you're doing fine, love."

I smiled from ear to ear upon reading his message, no words could explain how happy I am right now just because of one simple message.

I had read his message over and over again and I probably looked like an idiot right now, grinning widely at my computer screen. 

But who cares? I'm all alone here anyways. There are some perks of living alone, you know?

Chase and I have been together for almost two years now. We first started going out at our senior year of high school. He was really hard to read at first, I didn't expect we'd end up together but my previous classmates said otherwise.

f l a s h   b a c k

"Mavis!" My best friend, Summer called out my name as I was about to enter the classroom. I turned around to face her but then suddenly I bumped into someone's chest. A hard chest in fact.

This must be the time where the girl suddenly finds her true love, she bumps into someone then upon seeing that person, she suddenly falls in love at first sight.

Man, I read too much cliché romance books, yes?

"Sorry." An unfamiliar deep voice spoke. I glanced at the person who bumped into me. He was very attractive yet his jet black hair was a mess. Like, he just got out of bed. But what struck me was his electrifying blue eyes. They were so beautiful that made me envy his eyes a bit. 

"It's okay.." I faltered. He noticed my dismay, "Chase" He simply said and grinned at me. I looked away, embarrassed. "I'm not good with names." I lied, I wasn't paying attention that much.

"Is that so?" He said playfully, questioning me. "Well maybe, I don't pay attention to others too much. My bad." I grinned mischievously and he chuckled at my remark. 

"Maaavis!" Summer called out from behind, I glanced at her and she stopped in her tracks. "What's up, Chase?" Summer greeted him and he nodded in response. "Morning" He yawned a little bit then he excused himself and went inside the classroom.

"How come I don't know him if he's our classmate?" I asked sarcastically Summer just shrugged her shoulders, "Well, first of all, you don't even pay attention to our other classmates you're not close with. No surprise here," Summer said, crossing her arms. I laughed a little.

"Well, oops?" I said jokingly and we both chuckled. "You should be more social around the room though." Summer stated and I grunted. "It's too bothersome." What it feels like to be antisocial.

"It's already the last year of our high school, make the best of it!" Summer exclaimed and I rolled my eyes in response "Here she goes again with those passionate remarks." I commented.

Summer can be a pain in the arse but she's very understanding and knows when to stop. That's how I became best friends with her afterall.

We went inside our classroom. Some of our classmates glanced at our direction to see who has arrived. Everyone was busy talking to each other about this and that. 

I glanced at Chase. He was talking with my classmate, Cass. Surprisingly, he glanced at me and gave a small smile. 

I smiled back. Summer nudged me on my side and I glared at her.

This Cass girl seemed to be unhappy with our small exchange, she glared at me with her eyes shooting daggers but then Summer stuck out her tongue at her and made a finger.

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