Chapter Thirty-Four~

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~~Kanda's P.O.V~~

I came back from eating lunch and the Moyashi was freaking out, the Usagi was trying to calm down his son, and Carlie was just laying in the bed. Her breathing was shallow, though, and her face looked very red and sweaty. 

"What's wrong with her?" I asked as I stepped forward to feel her forehead. She was burning.

"I don't know.. She was fine, and then I took a nap, and when I woke up Chasseur was in her lap, the wrong way, and she wouldn't wake up!" Allen exclaimed.

The redheaded baka was rocking the baby gently, but he kept screaming and bawling. 

"Where are the nurses?" I asked as well. Chasseur seemed to calm down somewhat when I spoke and reached his arms out to me. Lavi held him out to me, so I could take him. I sighed and reluctantly took the boy in my arms. Almost immediately, his crying and fussing stopped. 

"I think they're helping someone who just came home from a nasty mission." The Usagi said.

"Well, she need help too!"

"We've tried talking to them. They say they'll be here in a while." 

I scowled a bit and sat in the chair with my nephew. He was starting to fall asleep, but was playing with my pinky finger. I didn't care too much; I was too concerned for Carlie to care what he was doing.

"He's not sick too, is he?"

Lavi shrugged a little. "I don't think he is; he's acting normal."

"But if he's spent a lot of time with her and close to her, he may have it too."

He shrugged again. "I don't know."

I sighed and rubbed Chasseur's forehead gently. He didn't feel to warm.

"Take him up to your room." I told the Moyashi.

"What? Why me? I want to stay here, with Carlie."

I groaned. "Fine. He'll come with me then."

I took a last look at Carlie before leaving with Chase still in my arms. I was worried. Really worried. Of course, I didn't show it or anything though. 

Chasseur seemed to like my room, probably because it was dark. That was odd. Weren't most children afraid of the dark? I shrugged it off and sat on my bed with him. He yawned faintly and I put my pillow down to rest him between me and the pillow. For a baby who was only about a week old, he seemed pretty big. He still couldn't hold himself up or anything, of course. 

I fell asleep after a while, with Chase still beside me, tucked under my arm.


I woke up when there was a knocking on my door, also waking up Chase. He started crying and I picked him up gently. I opened the door, and Lenalee was standing outside with tear-stained cheeks. 

"Kanda, you have to hurry and come. Carlie's awake."

I didn't understand why she was crying. Wasn't this a good thing? I nodded once though, and started walking quickly to the infirmary where Carlie was. She was awake, sitting up and everything. Allen and Lavi were both beside her, worry and sorrow clear on their faces. Allen moved, so I could sit beside Carlie. She reached her arms up shakily, as though she wanted to take Chase again. I let her hold him, making sure she wouldn't drop him. She looked weak. Very, weak.

"What's going on?" I asked as the others left the room. She looked up with a small, sad smile playing at her lips.

"There's not much time, Kanda.." She said, forcing the words out of her mouth.

"Time for what?" I furrowed my brow.

She reached out an arm, still holding Chase in the other. "I love you, Kanda.. you're the best brother, anyone could have." She smiled sadly again. "Please, be a good uncle to Chase.."

I blinked, suddenly realizing what was going on. "No, Carlie.. You can't! You can't give up this easily. Don't you dare, fucking leave me or I'll.. I'll.." I didn't know what I'd do. I was able to live without Carlie when I had to leave her, all those years ago. But, now that she was back.. I didn't want to let her go again!

Except, this time.. She'd be leaving me.

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