Chapter Seven~

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~~Kanda's P.O.V~~

I should've slit his throat right then and there. If he ever touched her again, I promised myself that I really would. Shortstack needed to get his nose out of business that wasn't his anyway. It was annoying; extremely.

I stalked down the dark hallways, my boots clunking on the hard white, tile floor.

"Hey Kanda! Wait!" I heard Carlie's feminine voice call from behind me and stopped. She started running to catch up and I could hear her quiver bouncing on her back. "Where are you going?"

"To my room." I answered and started walking again. She followed me still.

"Mind if I come?"

I hesitated a second before nodding slowly. "Why?"

"Because I wanna talk to my brother." She smiled and wrapped her arms around one of mine. I looked back down at her and smiled slightly before I stopped, wiping the grin off my face. I couldn't allow anyone to see me smiling, especially Shortstack.

We continued walking through the halls until I reached the large wooden door to my room. I thrust it open and threw my mugen on the table along with my coat. Carlie plopped down on the low bed, making her bounce. I briefly took off my short, momentarily forgetting the tattoo on my chest, then hastily pulled it back on; but it was too late.

"What's that?" Carlie asked, motioning to the cursed mark tattooed on the left side of my chest.

"Its nothing. Don't worry about it." I said, resting a hand on the top of her head.

"No, I wanna know."

I scoffed. "You know, you have way too much curiosity sometimes. It's gonna get you killed."

She laughed. "No it's not. I'm just acurious person. Now tell me what that was!"

I sighed. There was no point in arguing with her; Carlie always fought until she won.

"It's an expiration date." I said quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, an expiration date. The day I die."

I heard her gasp quietly and closed my eyes. I hated talking about this. It was always so awkward because now she's gonna ask how I got it, why it's there, etc. Sure enough, she asked.

"It's a long story." I answered.

"Please? I don't have to go anywhere."

I sighed. "Okay, fine."

I sat down on the bed beside her and started the whole story of how I was "re-born" in a test tube, because I was an excorcist before, and died on a mission. The science section recreated me, and I was born again. When I was "born" though I looked like a 10 year old.

"So, physically I'm 23 but chronologically 13."

She nodded slowly. "I never knew that. Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"Because when I did meet you, and lived with you, I hardly knew of that fact myself. I'd known kind of what happened, but it was confusing to me too."

She nodded again and hugged me. "So, what's the date?"

"I'll tell you later."

"Oh, come on Kanda. Tell me, please?"

I shook my head stubbornly. It was too soon. I'd finally got to have her back, and I didn't want her to be sad because of me and my issues.

Suddenly Lavi burst through the door, panting heavily. For once, I was actually glad to see the red headed annoyance.

"Chief... Komui... wants... both... of you." He said through gasps of air.

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