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I wake up and hear so much noise it hurts my head,Im in a white room and in a very uncompterable bed,once I have my eyes completly opened everyone gets quite,a boy runs to my side he has red hair and he's very handsome,

"Summer do you remeber me?! Im your fiancee..Jared"

"Im sorry but I don't know any of you,weres my mom?"

"Im Niall and Im your brother these are my bandmates,Harry,Louis,Liam,and Zayn and this is your best friend Ashley"

"can someone get my mom?"

"Summer Your moms in the states" the one who im ""SUPPOSED"" to be marrying

"DOCTOR...DOCTOR HELP!"  I screamed


After everyone explained to me who I was and what happened I laughed,

"thats not rue you guys are silly My name is Amanda Cornerstone I am 32 years old and I am a real estate aggent" I told everyone the girl Ashley? I think her name was? I asked her what was wrong

"I can't believe you lost your memory,I just want my best friend back!" she ran off

"someone should go see if shes okay" i said,nobody moved so I got up,

"girl? where are you?!" I asked

"In here" she repyled

I walk in to see the girl crying her eyes out I asked her to come back to the living room,once we were all in there I made an announcement,

"Excuse me everyone,could I please have your attention," everyone turned at me "I am off to find my mother I wish you all good luck and I hope you find this Summer girl you keep looking for,Im sorry im not her...Goodbye" I told everyone

"Wait please dont--" the girl tried to stop me

"Please don't try to stop me,i dont know you people,I need to find someone I know," I said

As I was half way out the door I heard crying it made me halfway sad but oh well,I close the door behind me and wait a few seconds then i run back into the room...

"I GOT ALL OF YOU!" I said laughing i started having a laughing fit and couldnt stop everyone looked so confused so I got up and said

"You guys I didnt loose my memory I was just playing a joke on you guys,Moms back in arkansas,me and ash have been friends since we were born I was adopted from Nialls family me and jared have been together for 5 years harry and ash are dating and louis,liam,and zayn you guys I didnt loose my memory! i said laughing again they all looked mad...i ran

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