is this really goodbye?

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First off you guys I just got my nails done i got the french manicure and my nials have never been this long so if there is a word mispelled or theres no space sorry!


Nialls Pov.

today is the day we leave for our Take Me Home tour of course im exited,but not as kmuch as the other boys,I know we havent really known Summer for that long shes gotten herself hurt alot,I feel like I dont wanna go,causwe what if she gets hurt? I mean I know she has Jared,and Ashely but what if there off doing something and shes by herself? UGH why cant life be easier?

I decided to wake Summer up since we would be leaving in 10 minutes...

"Summer.......Summer.......SUMMER WAKE UP!!!!!" I screamed,I dont think ive ever seen anyone jump that high...

"NIALL JAMES HORAN?! what are you doing?!?!?!" She shouted at me which caused Jared to wake up

"would you both please stop yellig?" He asked

"You guys were leaving in 6 minutes to the airport...."Itrailed the laswt part of my sentence off i know wsomeones going to ask why so i finished my sentence before they could talk...

"were leing in now 4 minutes to go o our Take Me Home tour.."

"AND YOUR JUST NOW TELLING ME?! YOU HAVE 3 MNUTES AND.....thats.....all the...time.....w'ell have.....till 9" Summer wasw mad then toward the end of her sentence she was upset she instantly started crying i hugged her for the remaining 2 minutes and told her that i wouldsend her pictures of the crowds and towns,the boys came in and Harry had Ashley in his Arms Ashley was crying just as much as Summer was...great i knew thi would happen.....Summer,Ash,and Jared drove with us to the airport,This was going to be hard saying good bye...I wish it was just one more month,i would have told her sooner but we all just totally forgot....

As we borded the plane I watched as Summer was sitting on the ground crying Jared tryed to help her up but she just collapsed on to the floor again I felt so bad fr not telling me sooner..

It was a long plane ride no one taked...Zayn and Liam were asleep Louis was playing a trick on the  couple in front of us,harry was wathcing videos of him and ashley,i pulled out my phone and texted summer,

To: theBestsisterEVER[;

Hey Loser thanks for changing your name in my phone(; but you shouldnt be sad! you knew your brother was an awesome singer in that amazing band named...crap what was t called? damn it...oh yea ONE DIRECTION!!!I love you sis xx

From: theBestsisterEVER[;

Your welcome brofer!![; and ik i just wish you would have told me sooner;/ x


Well I love you and im sorry!! forgive me maybe?[; and i gotta go were hitting turbulance..YIKES! xx text you when we land

From: theBestsisterEVER[;

okay be safe tell the oys we already miss them too! xx

and this long night begins...34 hours on a plane....dont mind me when I try to murder myself!

sorry for the super short chapter ive been stressing out recently and i keep getting really upset to where i just go in my room and hide from the world,if you guys could please comment tht would make me week!

Summer  xx

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