Wonwoo : Break up

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It was already 12am in the midnight, you sighed for the tenth time of the the day, Wonwoo hasn't come back yet, it's been exactly three weeks since he last came home. Your shared apartment with Wonwoo felt so empty, without him. You groaned in frustration, so you got up from the bed and changed into your clubbing clothes. You needed to release stress anyway, you were just going for a drink and then that's it.

You picked a black denim skinny jeans that would hug your thighs perfectly, a top followed by a checked blazer, you put on your smokey eye make up on before tying your hair into a high bun, checking yourself on the mirror for the last time, you took your phone and wallet before leaving the apartment. Maybe it will help you to think of how a surprise for Wonwoo as soon as you visit his dorm. You arrived at the usual club you go to, the loud music blasting everywhere. You went to the bar stool and ordered a shot of margarita, you scanned your eyes around the club, letting the music get into you.

Your eyes landed on a couple of friends, sitting in a couch, the club was a bit dark so it was hard for you to see their face, but then, you squinted your eyes a bit, trying to check the boy out who looked so familiar, the bartender handed you your shot and you drank it before getting off the stool and walking towards the group of friends, as you neared them, your heart sank. There he was, laughing happily, with his friends, and with a girl beside him, his arms around her shoulder as the girl stuck to him like a glue. His hands on resting on the girl's thighs, you felt your eyes tearing up but you held them back.

You approached them with a bitter smile on your face "So here you are, having fun. While I was thinking you were busy with work, you haven't even contacted me for weeks and you didn't came home for weeks. I was worried sick and I'm just going to find you here." You said, Wonwoo's eyes widen as he immediately stood up and walked towards you "Babe, I can explain-" "How long?" You asked, Wonwoo gave you a confused look, you sighed and breathed heavily "How long have you been dating her?" You asked, his friends and the girl were looking at the both of you, anticipating for the argument and scandal. Wonwoo cleared his throat and stuttered on his words "S....six months." He answered truthfully, his words stabbed your heart like knives. You exhaled heavily and nodded, that's what all you need to know. "I see, well. I wish you the best." You said before turning your back away, leaving him standing there dumbfounded, you handed the money to the bartender before leaving the club.

"Go fucking after her." Mingyu yelled at Wonwoo "I am gonna do that." Wonwoo said before running away to chase you. You finally cried as you walked back towards your apartment, luckily the club was just a few walks away to your apartment, as soon as you reached home. You walked to the bed room and headed towards the bathroom, locking yourself in. You sat on the floor and cried your eyes out, you wiped your tears after crying and took the blade from one of the cabinets, you harshly cut your wrists with the blade, making sure to hit the nerve, you hissed in pain but it gave you comfort as well. You watched the blood rolled down your wrist before it fell on the floor.

Wonwoo arrived at the apartment as he clumsily took out his keys, going inside he shouted your name "Yeon!" he kept on shouting as he headed towards your shared bed room and saw the lights on the bathroom, he ran towards it and tried opening the door to find it locked, he pounded on the door and kicked it "Open up! Fucking open up!" He shouted, as he continued pounding the door, he sighed and tried to find the keys of the bathroom, he rummages through the drawer of the night table, as soon as he finds it, he ran back to the front door of the bathroom before opening it with the keys, he finally got in and saw you on the bath tub, lying as you were bathing in your pool of blood "Shit." He said before running towards you, he held your face and lightly patted your cheeks "Yeon!"

Soon the doctor went out of the emergency room and Wonwoo quickly stood up "She lost a lot of blood, but it's good that you brought her just in time. We already did a blood transplant so she's okay now. We're just waiting for her to wake up." The doctor said and Wonwoo sighed and relief as he bowed and thanked the doctor. He went to your room and saw how pale and thinner you've gotten, his heart sank at your current state as he sat on a chair to watch you. He was expecting you'd rage and make a scandal but you didn't. He was trying to figure it out why did he cheated on you but he snapped out of his thoughts when he saw you flutter your eyes open, he quickly sprinted towards you and held your hand "How are you feeling?" Wonwoo asked as he looked at you.

You squinted your eyes from the bright light, you realized you were on the hospital, you tilted your head to the side to see Wonwoo staring at you, you looked at your wrist to see a bandage on it "What are you doing here?" You questioned in a monotone voice "I.. I went back to our apartment and saw you unconconscious, why did you cut ?" He asked, he felt dumb. Of course he clearly knew why you did. A husky chuckle came from your mouth as you tried prying his hands off of you "Let's break up." You said, not answering his question. Wonwoo felt a pang on his heart "No... please.. I... I know, I did wrong. I'm-" "Wonwoo." You said, as you stared at him with no emotion in your eyes "There's no point of staying in a relationship when the other person isn't happy anymore. So, tell me why should I stay with you if I don't make you happy? You wouldn't have cheated if I still make you happy." You said, sighing as you looked at the ceiling he was about to speak but you cut him off "Don't tell me that you love me, because you wouldn't have cheated if you did." You said making a point, sitting up, you ignored the stinging pain on your wrist "Thanks for taking me here, but you should've let me die instead. And now, I owe you one. But then again, I'm setting you free." You said as you got off of the bed and tried contacting a nurse to have you check out and for you to get back your clothes.

As soon as you got out of the hospital, Wonwoo followed you until both of you reached your shared apartment, you headed towards the bedroom and Wonwoo just watched you, as soon as he saw you taking your bag his eyes widened and walked towards you before grabbing the bag away from you "What are you doing?" He asked, with his gritted teeth, you sighed and reached for the bag "Are you blind or what? Why do you have to ask things when you know the answer?" You said in a sarcastic tone before snatching the bag away from him, Wonwoo was loss at words as he saw you getting your clothes and putting them in the bag, he walked towards you and wrapped his arms around you, his chin resting on your shoulder. You stiffened and felt your heart squeezed. It's been awhile since he did this and you tried your best not to cry, specially not in front of him "Yeon... please, don't leave me..." he said, as you heard him sobbing, he buried his face on the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent. You closed your eyes and breathed heavily as you continued packing your clothes before trying to pry off Wonwoo around you.

You went to the bathroom to get your belongings and settled them in the bag, you finished packing and was about to head off but Wonwoo blocked your way, his eyes red from crying "You're not going anywhere." You sighed and face palmed before you look up to him "Move." You said, Wonwoo didn't moved and you were losing your patience "Move, Wonwoo." You said, glaring at him as he glared back at you "You're not going to leave me, you're not leaving this house." He said, his teeth clenching as you took a step back before pushing him off and grabbing your bag to leave, but the boy had a long legs and what can I say? A fast runner, he caught up to you, grabbing your wrist as he pinned you against the wall, his eyes turning dark "I said, you are not going anywhere." He said as he stared down at you, you were hissing from the pain as Wonwoo held your bruised wrist. You looked up at him and glared before kneeing him on his stomach making him choke, he loosened his grip on you and choked as he held onto his stomach. You took this as an opportunity to leave.

You gave him a one last look before taking your bag to leave. The moment you stepped out, your tears rolled down your cheeks, memories of your first day with him came flashing into your mind. How you two were happy about getting the apartment, you sniffed and cried your eyes out as you took the bus to finally leave the place. Wonwoo lied down on the floor, his hands on his forehead as he cried his heart out. He lost you, he was a jerk, a bastard, he knew it very well. He took you for granted, he knew you were always there waiting for him, loving him. But he realized that people have their limits too. He let out a bitter chuckle as he sat up, he can taste his salty tears in his mouth as he remembered the first time and sacrificed he got this apartment for the both of you. You left him with memories that will haunt him for as long as he's in this place.



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