The love coffee

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Do you know this feeling when you wake up and think that this day is going to be good? Well today is one of these days. I jumped up, took a quick shower and draw a smiley face on my fogged mirror. Just with a towel I walk in my room and turn up the music, Low from Flo Rida. Well it's not really a morning song but it made me even happier. I put on some underwear and searched through my closet. Then I saw it, my favorite dress! I ran to my window and opened it.

"HEY MIKE!!!! CAN I WEAR A DRESS TODAY?!" Mike, my neighbor is two years older than me, looked up and shook his head

"THE WEATHER IS NICE! SO YEAH!!" I blow him a kiss and close my window and put on my dress.

Probably you except me say something about Mike how he is my best friend and that I secretly love him and stuff like this, but no. Mike and I don't really hang out or talk, he is a senior in my high school and he is the quarterback of our football team. He is really sexy and has a body that makes him look like a god, but he is gay. Yeah... when I found out I just freaked out, but in a good way, but the football team kicked him out but soon they realized that they need him so they begged him to come back. So everyone is absolutely ok with him being gay.

I look in my mirror and straight my hair, my dad used to tell me that I look way prettier with straight hair than with my natural waves, I put on some black eyes shadow so my dark brown almost black eyes look darker. My phone buzzed because of the alarm clock. 7.10 am that’s a good time. I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs to the kitchen, I grabbed some eggs and bacon made some bacon and eggs.

At 7.40 I left my house and walked to school, where I saw Jake, Mike’s brother, I smiled from ear to ear.

"JAKEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" He looked at me and smiled too, I ran to him and jumped in his arms.

 "You’re back!!!!!!!!!!!" I squealed and he chuckled. Okayyy...Jake is my best friend but there is no love or something. He has been away for one year!

"One freaking year" I mumbled my face buried in his neck and he held me just closer.

 "I know, but I have something for you" he whispered and I jumped off him

"What is it?!?!" I jumped in excitement and he gave me a small box. I ripped it open and saw a necklace with a half heart, I looked up at him and he showed me the guy version of this necklace. My smile grew wider and he put it on me.

 "Best friends forever little one" He chuckled "You won't get rid of me....never because now I'm on your neck" I laughed and hugged him.

Jake looked at me with his green eyes that look like they were photo shopped but they're not, and his black hair covering his left eye and his piercing on the right eyebrow and his snakebites, they always tickle me when he buried his head in my neck. I remember his mom freaking out when he came home with them, I held his hand when he pierced them and when his mom slapped him, but she was sorry in the second she did it.

The school time passed by quickly and Jake and I decided to go to Starbucks. We're standing in line and he wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear "Cute guy, 9 o' clock" I grinned and slowly looked over and it was like something hit me. Everything went by in slow motion and I just saw this guy with blond hair standing, waiting for his coffee. I never believed this "love at first sight" crap, but he had just something what makes me feel like I know him my whole life.

"Earth to Meli" I jumped and looked at Jake. "You’re staring little one" He smiled and kissed me on top of my head, it's so unfair he is so much taller them, he can rest his head on mine. I blushed and looked away, but I could feel Jake smiling. When I glanced at this guy again I saw him walking towards me.

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