•Chapter 1•

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The first chapter is a bit slow, but trust me, it gets better in the second chapter!!!

Raven stood from her bed, her bare pale feet flattening against the cold hard wood flooring. She ran a hand through the tangled mess she called her hair, and walked to her closest.

Raven was fairly simple when it came to her fashion choices. Her wardrobe consists of blacks, grays, a few dark blues, and several dark reds. Raven had gotten a bright red sweatshirt from her parents last Christmas. She liked the style, but she refused to wear the sweatshirt due to its bright color.

Raven pulled off her black tank top and shorts, exchanging her pajamas for a black and gray plaid shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. She pulled on a pair of black socks, then adding her signature black combat boots to the mix.

She walked to the bathroom, picking up her makeup kit from under the sink. Raven didn't feel quite like showering this morning anyways. She pulled out black eyeliner, applying a thin line across where her eyelashes met with her skin, flicking her wrist to create a slight wing on both eyes. Raven pulled out a small tube of mascara and applied that to her top and bottom lashes, careful not to smudge it.

Sighing, she pulled out the last- and most vital- part of her small makeup kit, concealer. Because of Raven's abnormally pale skin tone, she always had the hardest time finding concealer that actually fit her skin tone. When she did, she made sure to grab as much as she could.

Raven put a thick layer of concealer below her eyes and rubbed it in, attempting to hide the almost black circles under her hazel eyes. Lately, Raven's had been having nightmares unlike any other. She would wake up almost screaming, her heart about to jump out of her chest.

She used to get nightmares like this once every few months, but ever since she turned 17, they had become more and more frequent to the point where she couldn't even fall asleep peacefully without a horrid image plaguing her subconsciousness. Raven's pleasant dreams seemed to have disappeared.

Raven's most recent nightmare- the one she'd had 3 days ago- was the most disturbing one she'd had in awhile. In the dream, Raven had woken up and her body was moving, but it was as if someone else was controlling her. She couldn't move her own body. She felt helpless, and that terrified her. Raven refused to sleep after that night. Last night, she had stayed awake all night forcing herself to study for the test she had next week.

Raven ran a brush through her raven black hair, in which was part of the reason her name was Ravenna. Her hair came down to her mid-back, with an incredible amount of layers. Her bangs were long, as they reached her chin. Grabbing a black beanie, she pulled it on over her head.

Raven grabbed her cell phone and earbuds, plugging them in as she walked downstairs to make her breakfast. She put in her earbuds, allowing the music to blast in her ears.

Raven grabbed a box of Mini Wheats and a bowl, pouring a decent sized portion of the cereal into the bowl. Putting the box back, she grabbed a carton of milk from the refrigerator. Pouring a small amount onto the cereal, she put the cap back on and set it in it's place. Raven grabbed a spoon and dug into her breakfast.

"Good morning, Raven," Raven's father greeted with a smile. Raven responded with a simple not, not bothering to stop shoveling cereal into her mouth long enough to give a more polite greeting.

Raven's dad was a kind man. He was simple, never asking for much. Raven guessed that's where she got her simplicity from.

Putting her bowl in the sink, she grabbed her black backpack and pulled one arm through a strap, letting the other dangle.

As Raven turned to walk out the door, her father called for her, "Raven?" Raven turned, knowing she had no other choice but to turn around.

"At least try to make friends this semester, alright?" Her father said, his eyes hopeful. All the man wanted was to see his family happy. He knew Raven wasn't exactly normal, and just like her mother, wasn't the greatest at showing emotions. Raven wanted her father to rest easy, at least knowing his daughter was making an effort to become more social. She nodded. "I'll try," Raven said with a sigh. Of course, she was just saying this. Her father smiled, nodding to dismiss her. At that, Raven turned on her heels and walked out the door to the bus stop.

There were several students talking amongst themselves, in small groups. Raven didn't particularly care for anyone in the school, aside from her best friend, Seth.

Sighing, Raven leaned against the street sign, awaiting the bus's arrival.

"Raven!" A familiar voice called. Raven turned her head to see her blonde haired friend sprinting to her. Seth swallowed her in a hug, smiling. "It's only been a week, you missed me that much?" Raven asked with a smile, secretly liking the thought that she was missed by someone close to her.

"Duh! To be honest, that cruise was pretty freaking boring... It would have been a lot more fun if you were there. Imagine all the pranks we could have pulled!" Seth said excitedly.

Raven always compared Seth to a golden retriever puppy, always bounding with energy, yapping all the the time. But he was also her loyal friend, always by her side through thick and thin. Of course, his brown puppy-like eyes helped with her comparison.

"It would have been pretty fun," Raven agreed with a small smile. Seth threw his hands up in the air and ran in a circle, cheering, "I've been back for five minutes and I've already got THE Ravenna Grimm smiling!"

This made Raven chuckle a bit at her rather goofy friend, shaking her head.

The bus pulled up to the curve, doors opened to allow the students on. One by one, they piled onto the bus. Raven-of course- sat beside Seth as he told her about the cruise his parents had taken him on.

The bus pulled into the school parkinglot, coming to a stop.

With a sigh, Raven grumbled, "Welcome back to hell."

This story is one I thought of myself. It's strange and has a slight horror feel to it, but I liked the idea. I welcome constructive criticism with open arms, so feel free to state your thoughts. Thanks for reading!

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