Part 1 (1-30)

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A book full of random, pointless and funny activities by RazzleDazzleMint and Co


1.Throw Somthing. (like a vase!)

2.Drink as much as you can without stopping till you can't take it anymore.(make it harder, try using something fizzy)

3.Start a collection. (or another if you've already got one)

4.Put loads of really sour or hot sweets in your mouth at once.

5.Drench yourself in water.

6.Make the sickliest cake ever. (chocolate is probably the best option, make sure you have lots of icing and loads and loads of toppings like chocolate buttons, gummy sweets, marshmellows etc)

7.Listen to the same song over and over. (want to give your self hell? Trying doing this with your least favourite song)

8.Start a chain email. (and don't make it anything illegal ;D)

9.Go outside and wave at every car that passes your house.

10. Run around in circles till your dizzy.

11. Have a gosomeone for no good reason. (if your brave enough do this with a stranger)

12. Eat sweets in class and get away with it. (if you dare!)

13. Stay in bed for a whole day.

14. Learn SpongeBob's F.U.N song and go round singing it.

15. Copy someone. (do I have to explain?)

16. See how long you can hold a note.

17. Sing like alvin and the chipmunks.

18. try not to think about cows. (which is very hard because now i have said that you keep thinking not to think about cows!)

19. Every time someone says your name say carrots.

20. Paint splatter with yours hands.

21. Gather as many soft toys as you can and jump on them.

22. Stare at something for ages. (like someones face- lol maybe not.)

23. When there are loads of people behine you just suddenly stop walking and stand still.

24. Change the lyrics to a song and make them take the mick out of your friend. (as long as you know they won't mind)

25. When ever the room goes silent say the same thing. (you choose, make it funny/random)

26. Stand out side someones house for ages. (be careful who's house you stand outside of XD )

27. Go up to someone who clearly hasn't dyed their hair and ask them have they dyed their hair.

28. Go on Club Penguin LOL (try and get a "boyfriend/girlfriend" on it)

29. Poke everyone of your friends online on Facebook.

30. Read the number on every lamp post you walk past.

(until you can't take it anymore, why? Because your nothing going to get very far other wise!)


There you have it, the first 30 things! have fun. xD

Dedicated to @livingwithlions for making the cover

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