Chapter Three: Your not human

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After inspecting the contents of all the drawers -- where I found nothing more than a few empty notepads, pens pencil, books and manuals-- I went back down the stairs to grab my things and start unpacking. I found a spot for each and every one of my items. Then I tuned on my phone I went to settings to change the time zone to... I have no idea what the time zone was. I walked down the hall to my dads room.

"Dad? what time zone are we in?" He looked up from his half empty suit case and said:

"Well there actually isn't an official time zone here but every one goes by the Eastern time." No official time zone. Huh. I would have to get used to that one. Eastern it is. After a good hour or so my dad called me down to super, where chicken Caesar salad was on the table.

"So are you ready to give me some answers?" I asked annoyed with the lack of information I was given.

"Now that were here I don't see why not. What do you want to here?" He replied.

"Question one: What was that tentacle thing that brought us to... Braila island?" I seriously said between mouthfuls of food.

"Its Brizla island by the way, its undiscovered by humans so we are safe here. And I cast a transporting spell. The tentacle couldn't be seen by anyone but you and me. When you go to school on Wednesday you will start to learn different spells too."

I took a moment to consider that before continuing."Question two: Why did you say I have been here before when you told me I have never traveled outside of Canada?"

"Well this is your first time traveling outside of Canada, but not your first time being outside of Canada." He smirked waiting for me to figure it out but as usual I was hopeless and just gave him a look to continue. " You were born here and lived here until you were four months old, then I took you to Edmonton where I managed to find a job."

" Alright, Question Three: Why did you say Brizla is undiscovered? If it was undiscovered then I don't think we would be here." Dad started to chuckle.

" I said it was undiscovered by humans "

"So does that mean I was the first one to discover it?" I excitedly asked knowing that he was about to say what I never thought I would here.

"But Adara your not a human that's the thing. Everyone who inhabits this island is a Neevra."

" And what the heck is a Neevra?"

"well we are kind of like witches. We can cast different spells. But what makes us different is that we all have out unique kind of powers, and some Neevra have a greater extent of powers but that's another story." By then we had both finished our super and drinks and were underway with the dishes.

11:23pm and I cant fall asleep. Sure I was up at % am to catch my flight this morning but the thought that my dad had been keeping so many things from me was well, it kind of hurt but at the same time I know that he was just protecting me. And now I have to go to some crazy witch school in three days. at least I can explore in the time being. At times like this I wonder what my mom would have thought, considering I never met her, well I don't think I did anyways. Did she know my dad was a Neevra? Was she one too? Where is she? I walk over to the window and gave out into the dark night sky. The stars are so much more vivid here, so much brighter and clearer. The sky is also darker , deeper and richer with colour. I never really got a chance to inspect the view I got out of my window, It overlooked as small patch of a  tropical kind of forest and then thinned out to nothing as it reached a sandy shore with dark grey rocks scattered across the sand. The ocean made a soft sloshing sound as it lapped against the rocks and sand. I left the window to lay back in bed and sooner than later I drifted off into peaceful dream of flying through the clouds with just me and no plane. The  feeling the soft damp clouds washing over my skin. I always wanted to be  able to fly without wings or a Han glider or plane, just me and the clouds.

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