Chapter 15 - Goodbye, Mother...

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"Huh?" The man looked at him. His eyes were not focusing and his shirts was very untidy. His hair were a mess. "Oh, you" He said with a very rude tone as he stood up and scratched his hair. "Get me a water now" He ordered him and without bothering answer him, Ren walked towards the kitchen, grabbed the glass and filled it with mineral water and gave it to him. The man named Tomoaki took the glass without bothering to say thank you to him and drank it with a single gulp. He gave the glass back to him when he finished.

Ren went back to kitchen and cleaned the glass. "Your daughter is here" Ren stated.

"Huh? Is she, huh? Well... I thought she never came home anymore. I thought she already forgotten her sick mother"

Hearing him said that made Ren very pissed of him, he turned to him. "You know, Ran will never do that. She cared about her mother more than anyone. Excuse me for saying this, but I don't think you're care about your own wife either"

"Yeah yeah. Whatever~"

Not long after that, somebody opened the entrance door and they walked to the living room. "Are? Ren-kun, are you awake?" She asked to him and glanced to the sitting man. An expression of shocked could be seen on her face. "D-Dad?"

"Yoo! Long time no see. Did you came home for your mommy?"

"Um, y-yeah..."

"I see. Well, that's good then" He said as he stood up and glanced towards Aizen. "Hmm... Did you just got home? Was is because you're playing around with this man? Hmph, you became very naughty just as me" He mocked her.

"Tomoaki-san! He's a friend of mine! And he just accompanied her! Don't accused her in to something she doesn't even do it!"

"Yeah yeah. I'm gonna sleep now. Nighty~" He said and headed to his room, leaving the three of them. Ren looked very upset and Ran... Aizen could see she became sad, and now he knew what her father looks like. He touched her shoulders, made Ran looked at him.

"You should rest now" He told her.

"Okay. Thank you for today, Aizen-san, good night. Ren-kun too, good night" She said and headed to her room. When they made sure Ran already gone, Aizen looked back at Ren and he was like demanding an explanation from him.

"Now you know what her father looks like. To me, he's such a jerk. Ever since Yuki-san's condition became worse, he was like pushing Ran over and his mind was stuck to get her wife's condition become better but unfortunately... Yuki-san's condition was much more than that. The doctor even said even with a surgery, the success rate is very low or worse...she will die in the middle of surgery. Hearing that, Tomoaki-san decided to discontinue working hard and used the money for his own amusement and sometimes his temper was very scary so I told Ran to stay at Kurosaki's residence for the time being" Ren explained but Aizen didn't said any words. He was only listened to his explanation. 

"Did she got abused?" He asked but Ren was hesitated on answering but Aizen knew. He knew what he meant, it means Ran was getting a torture from her own father. His thought about that made him very annoyed and ready to killed her father any time soon. It was not that hard for him, after all Ran's father was only a human being and he could easily killed him with his own reiatsu. But, he can't do that now. Not when she was busy with her mother.


The next day at the Hospital

Ran together with Ren and Aizen visited Yuki again that noon. Ran brought her mother's favorite flowers. A sunflower. Before they reached her room, the doctor told them that her mother won't have much time so he told them, especially Ran to prepared for anything worse. Ran did not say anything to her mother about her condition and continue to chat and talk about a lot of things to her. 

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