A Familiar Face

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Chapter 4:


      As the three of us made our way along the side of the house, making sure to stay in the shadows, we heard a loud scream that pierced my eyes. My hands flew up instinctively to try and and block out the horrible sound. While I was walking I ran into something and let out a scream of my own. My eyes shot up to see what it was but I instantly felt foolish when I realized that Carson had stopped walking and it was his back that I walked into.

        He turned around to glare at me and I gave him a sheepish smile in return. He rolled his eyes and tried to look angry but I could still see the small smile that was trying to fight its way onto his lips. Those lips that I had been in such close contact with last night. So rough but soft at the same time. Why the hell did they have to choose that exact same moment to attack us? Couldn't they have waited a few minutes? My god, I haven't had any human contact for the past 4 months and a kiss in the last 2 years. And the last one I had didn't even count considering I was forced into it. Well if I didn't count that then technically I've never been kissed and- Nevermind I'm getting off task. I have to focus on trying to find safety with Carson and what's his nuts.

      We were rounding the corner of the house when we saw them. They were beating the shit out of somebody and it looked the like the person was too weak to do anything back. I squinted my eyes, in an attempt to block out the blazing sun that was shining directly into my eyes, so I could get a better view of the person being currently pumbled to death. I knew the face to well, it was Ryan.

        Without even thinking I rushed over to stop his attackers. The minute I was within reach of Ryan, a bag was shoved over my head and my oxygen was cut off. I began thrashing my body wildly to try to fight whoever was attacking me off but the only thing it did was cause the person to chuckle. My body froze as recognition filled me. It was the same throaty chuckle I heard the night my sister disappeared all those months ago. I felt heavy breathing on my neck and then a nose being nuzzled into it. "I guess you remember me. And of course I remember you. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since that night. I never even got to finish my fun with you before you escaped, but it's okay because I can make up for my lost time tonight," the man said with a voice filled with lust.

        The thought of what he might have in mind made my stomach churn and produce a bitter taste in my mouth. I suddenly felt like I was going to puke. I began heaving and tried to bend over to empty the contents of my stomach but he held me in an upright position and made sure the cloth bag was secured on my head. I swallowed back whatever I thought was going to escape and put as much bravery into my voice as I could muster, "I escaped from you once before, what makes you think I can't do it again?". Without even being able to see him or hear him I knew he was grinning. "Because this time dear, I have something that you want. And I believe her name is Abby,".

      My face paled and my palms got clamy. I thought she was dead. I can't believe she is alive. I can't wait to see her after all this time. I- Suddenly my relief turned to anger as I began thinking of what they have been doing to her this whole time. Was she their slave? Have they been starving her? Was she being used as bait to get to me? "You fucking bastard! Where the hell is she?! What have you done with her?!" I shout trying to blindly attack the man. He grabs my shoulders to hold me still and begins to speak. "I tell you your sister is still alive and you can see her and you try to attack me? Your parents did a shitty job of raising you. No manners". "Fuck you," I hiss through clenched teeth. "Again with the manners" he says with a sigh. I feel myself being pulled forward. I dig my heels into the ground to prevent from being taken anywhere but it doesn't work well because he decides to throw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

      I scream in rage but he continues walking like there isn't a teenage girl in the middle of a pyschotic breakdown on his shoulder. After what feels like an hour of screaming I finally stop because my throat is too raw to continue. I let of a huff of air but even that hurts on my sore throat. "Finally, I thought you were never going to shut up. Your schreeching has been making my ears bleed," my attacker says. I let a small smile creep onto my face knowing that my screaming at least had some effect. I feel the side of my head slam into something hard and I let out a small whine of pain. The man starts laughing. "That's what you get you little bitch. By the way, we're here. But you can't go inside if you are going to start screaming again,". I let out an exasperated huff, "Fine".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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