Brotp to Otp

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Oikawa and Iwaizumi were sat opposite ends in Oikawa's bedroom, playing video games, and scrolling on their phones.

"Hey Iwa-chan?" Oikawa said mid-scroll.

"Yeah?" Iwaizumi replied, pausing his game and turning his head to his friend.

"I.. I need to tell you something." Oikawa murmured, putting his phone down.

Iwaizumi shifted his body round to face Oikawa.

"So, what do ya need to tell me?" Iwaizumi questioned.

Oikawa took a deep breath, "I've been meaning to say this for a while now, but it's never felt right, or there's too many people around, and I panic and worry if you're going to judge me for it-"

"Oikawa. Breathe, take your time. And why would I judge you for this? You're the best guy I know." Iwazumi told the other boy. Oikawa took yet another deep breath. "First of all, thank you for interrupting me. Second of all, the 'something' I'm about to tell you is real and super serious, and in no way would I lie about this."

"Oikawa, what are you trying to say?" Iwaizumi questioned,

"I'm trying to say I'm not straight. I'm gay."

"How long have you known this?"

"At least for.. Half a year now."

Iwaizumi stood up from where he was. Oikawa moved himself so he was sat on the side of the bed, his feet touching the floor. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Iwaizumi qiestioned.

Oikawa sighed, "I was kinda scared how you'd react to it in all honesty, like, we've been friends for more than 10 years, we've spent pretty much every single day seeing eachother, and talking whether it was in person, over the phone or texting, we've always been there for the other. If you'd reacted negatively, that's pretty much my entire childhood and memories, gone."

Iwaizumi sat himself down next to Oikawa. "What made you think I'd react negatively to all this? Also, does anyone else know, like your parents or something?" Iwaizumi asked. Oikawa thought for a moment before answering, "There isn't a main reason, but no-one actually knows what you're thinking on the inside, do they? And, nope, you're the first to know all of this actually."

Iwaizumi sighs with some relief, "Do you want me to tell you something about myself?"

"You don't have to if you don't want to Iwa-chan!"

"Well. It's not exactly telling, it's more showing than anything else."

"Are you sure you don't mind doing this Iwa-chan?"

"Nope, not at all. In fact, I'm more relieved than anything."

As Iwaizumi said those words, he turned Oikawa's face towards his own.


Iwaizumi moved his face closer to Oikawa's, who was blushing madly.

Oikawa lifted his hands up and grabbed Iwaizumi's head, pulling them both into a kiss.

The kiss had only lasted a few seconds, but in the end, it was worth it for both the boys.

"Wait, Iwa-chan, why did you kiss me?"

"Oikawa. Are you really that dense?"


Iwaizumi sighed, "Fine, I love you. Not in a best friend way, but as in I want to kiss you whenever we have the chance, I want to hold your hand wherever we go. Because I love you Oikawa Tooru."

Oikawa was speechless, he wiped his eyes as he felt the oncoming tears.

"I .. I love you too, Iwa-chan." Oikawa sobbed as he buried his face into Iwaizumi's shirt.

-Extended Ending-

-The Next Day-

Oikawa and Iwaizumi walked together to school, holding hands. Sure, there were a few people who reacted negatively, but that didn't bother the pair a single bit.

Before practice had started at the end of the day, Iwaizumi and Oikawa were already in there, kissing. Thankfully for the team members, they were able to hear through the door what had been happening in there.

During practice, Hanamaki suddenly blurted out, "I wonder how many people on this team are not straight." Naturally, that had caught both Oikawa's and Iwaizumi's attention.

The teasing and joking had only lasted a week until Iwaizumi had told them that him and Oikawa were a thing.

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