For the books I read/review, I make a little chapter thing-y to promote your book with a little review, so TAKE A LOOK AT THOSE, so you know what to expect.  And if you prefer for me to not do that, just leave that in the comment.

And for the sake of my sanity, please, please, please, plEASE, PLEASE comment in one comment, not a million tiny ones. 

ONLY PM if you want it edited.  You can also leave editing requests here too, but pls don't PM me reading requests!

I prefer Google Docs, but if you don't have a gmail, then I'm fine with working on other platforms.

I'll only take 2 editing requests at a time, and I don't have a limit on reading requests.  

THE ONE AND ONLY REQUIREMENT: You must read one of the chapters in this book.  I only ask this to promote these stories, and ask that you consider reading one of the stories. 

In order to prove you have read one of the chapters of this book, you must comment on it.  

As an alternative to this, you may comment on one of the chapters of my book, Right in the Head, with your opinion.  

  ⇼⧪⇼ I'd realllly appreciate a dedication if I edit your story, but only that one above is a       requirement.  ⇼⧪⇼ 

Do consider following me, even if it's not permanent, so I know where to find you easily. 

I do not read more than 50 chapters, but this can be adjusted based on chapter length, if you're confused leave it in your comment and I'll let you know how much I will read for you.

So ya...if I think of anything I'm missing I'll update, but I think I covered it all.  I'll try to get back to y'all ASAP!

I must thank y'all for giving me the ability to gain experience through editing/reading your stories!

NOTE:  Due to lack in experience, I feel as though I cannot properly EDIT fanfictions or LGBTQ or spiritual/religious stories, if you'd like,  I can still edit them, but I don't think I can give you the opinion you deserve.   I will read them, because in reading I only give you my opinion on the generals of your story, like flow, etc.

Also keep in mind, that I can decline your request, (altho I probs won't) and do not owe you an explanation (altho, again, even if I do decline I probs will let you know why(unless you are one of those rude peeps who COMMENT IN MULTIPLE COMMENTS(srry it's like my BIGGEST pet peeve)))!

For those peeps who want a form thing to fill (I will also comment it in the comment section, so it's easy to copy and paste):





*Read or Edit:



*- is required to fill out

Reading/Editing RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now