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So to night is dinner with Cameron's parents and my parents. And to be honest I'm scared.
I walked to the shower and did my normal routine. When u stepped out I remembered I for got my clothes.

"Mom can you pick a cute outfit for me to wear I for got to pick one!"
I yelled

"Ya sure honey just a sec".

"Ok I'm done kira you can come out now".

I walked to the clothes and looked at them she did a pretty good job I put the dress on (dress above)
I put my strawberry perfume on and walked to help make dinner.

"Can I help make the burgers".

"Sure honey thanks for helping out you can grill them if you want".

"I would love too". I said hugging her. I went out side to see my dad trying to flip the burgers.

"Dad that not how you do it" I said laughing at him

"Then you do it I will go get the door". He kissed my forehead and went to get the door he's such a goof.

As I was flipping the burgers someone wrapped the arms around my waist.
I smiled

"Hey cam".

"Ugh how did you know it was me"he said

"Your cologne it smells good".

"well thanks you smell good and you look beautiful in your dress".
I blushed and ran in the house with the burgers

"Hey mom here are the burgers I will be in my room".

"OK honey and where are gonna have a talk when the guest leave by the way".

"Ok call me down when your ready to eat"

I walked into my room and sat on bed in went through Twitter maybe I should start a YouTube channel that would be fun.

I grabbed my camera and a stand and set it up I sat on my bed thinking what I should do oh I could sing ya I will do that.

I walked to my piano

"So hey guys this is my first ever video and I'm gonna be singing I'm going to try to post new videos every Wednesday! So this video I'm gonna be singing one of Ariana grande's songs baby I

💖im skipping song💖💖

I said bye to the camera and shut it off hmm what to do I can't upload the video till Wednesday.

"Hey Kira it's cam its time to eat".

"You know you can just walk in here right". I said opening the door.

"Ya but that's rude".
He said with a chuckle
."what ever let's EAT!" I said running down stairs.
I sat next to cam at the table and we started eating.

"Mrs. Woods I love the food don't you agree Cameron"
Cams mom said

"Mmhmm"can said with a mouth full of food.

Laughed lightly

"She did it again!"
Cam said with food still in his mouth.

"Cameron chew your food be for you talk". I laugh and so did my parents. My mom put are plates away while me and cam went to my room.

"So what do you wanna do". I said sitting on my bed.

"Why are you different at school then when your at home".

"I'm sorry I didn't me-"

"Cam its fine I tell you just don't tell anyone"

"Ok I wont".

"I just don't want to be that person to be picked on or always talked about in a nasty way ya sure everyone wants to have there name going around the school but once it happens you have to keep up the name my name at school is kira the badass of the school girl with no fear got that name for knocking out a boy but I don't want to be that person I have so many things I can show people the what they see on the out side you know"I said sighing at the end

"Ya I get it but you can change be the person you are at home ya know".

" I know cam I just don't wanna talk about this tell later let's just have some fun".I said cheerfully

"Ok let go for a ride"


Tomorrow is gonna be Wednesday in the story Kira will be posting her video and will see who see it first.💙

One Last Chance(cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now