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Jimin said he had a place, Taehyung didn't want to go at first, but he didn't really know what to expect. His parents lived too far away and Taehyung still hadn't learnt to drive yet. So they were in the car, in Jimin's car. On their way to Busan. Taehyung knew Jungkook was also in Busan, but he kept it to himself and thought to ask questions later.

Jimin seemed to be heading down a quiet road where there weren't many people around; in fact there wasn't anybody around at all. It was just a road that ran alongside a beach, to an upcoming house. The house was big and it was all alone. Was this Jimin's house?

Taehyung gawked at the size, if Jimin had his own house, why did he choose to stay in the crappy dorms? Was Jimin rich? Was this his parent's house? A million questions flew around in Taehyung's head, but he clamped his mouth shut and just stared. Although you could still see the house, they were on the road far from it on the hill.

Suddenly, a song began to fill up the silence in the car. Jimin was sat back and enjoying the air blowing in his face as he drove. Taehyung enjoyed the atmosphere Jimin made. No matter how bad a situation could get, Jimin always seemed to be able to make it a little easier for the person mildly suffering.

"I heard your friend, Jungkook, was in Busan. Would you like to go visit him?" Jimin suggested out of the blue which confused Taehyung, how did he know?

"He posted it on Facebook" the driver chuckled, glancing at Taehyung then back at the road. Taehyung sucked in a breath, he could go visit Jungkook just like the maknae asked him too. But he was still mad, confused and a little too tired.

"Maybe another time" Taehyung explained with a yawn, receiving a grin from Jimin.

"Don't worry, the house is just up there. You can sleep when we arrive" Jimin leaned in a nudged the tired boy who jolted awake, rubbing his eyes.

"Jimin..." Taehyung hesitantly asked, shuffling up the seat to sit up straight.

"Hm?" The latter hummed, looking rather calm as he drove up the winding road.

"Wh-what happened..." Taehyung paused, closing his eyes. "What happened in the fire?" He didn't want to relish in the matter any further but it had been bugging him, why did Jimin let go of him?

"What do you mean?"

"You let me go." It was easy as that, and Taehyung's heart plundered in his chest.

There was a silence, before Jimin took one hand off the wheel and reached for something underneath his seat.

Taehyung froze.

It was the picture frame of him and Jungkook.

"I realised this was important to you. Amongst other things-" Jimin pointed a thumb at the familiar green bag of paint brushes and an empty canvas behind them on the passenger's seat "-Personally, I didn't want to lose your smile."

When Jimin glanced at Taehyung, his smile dropped.

"I- I'm sorry-"

"No-" Taehyung brushed over the dusty pane. "Thank you. Thank you so much Jimin."

And he didn't press the subject further.

Taehyung heaved the luggage out of the car and followed Jimin into the eery house. The lights flickered on and he guided Taehyung down a corridor with a few pictures glumly hanging on the wall. When Taehyung was able to see his room, he gaped once more. It was a plain grey room with a large balcony that seemed to connect to another room, also a stairway to the beach. With such exposure, the view was magnificent. Taehyung stood still for a moment, suddenly turning around and hugging Jimin. Now it was his turn to stand still.


"Thankyou, Jimin" Taehyung mumbled,

Jimin chuckled, patting the sentimental boy's shoulder. Giving him a glance before walking away. Taehyung was then left to gawk on his own.


The day went by with the Jimin and Taehyung unpacking, making calls and nothing else. The sun dropped lower into the sea, making it look warm and inviting.

"Yah! Tae, come and look at this" Jimin hollered, Taehyung popped his head round the corner at Jimin's request. He walked out in the living room and stared.

"Wanna watch the sunset?" Jimin pointed towards the balcony. Taehyung's eyes softened, he nodded. They walked onto the balcony and sat down, leaning against the safety rails. Jimin noticed that their shoulders were touching, but he ignored it and concentrated on the sun.

"It's been awhile since I have seen a sunset" Taehyung spoke up, his voice soothing and calm. Jimin smiled,

"It never gets old"

There was a settling silence between the boys as they eagerly eyed the colours of the sun melt into the sheets of water. It was like ink hitting oil.

"Jimin?" Taehyung turned to look at the boy slightly taller than him.

"Hm?" He hummed, still looking at the sunset.

"I'm glad you're okay" Jimin's stomach did a little summersault as the words echoed in his ears. He really did mean more to Taehyung than he thought.

"Me too" He purposely shortened the moment, knowing that if he dragged it out, tomorrow would be the most awkward day ever. When there was no more light and the two were shadowed by the casting hue of the moon, Jimin turned and walked away. Taehyung still stood on the spot.



"Stay" Taehyung pleaded softly. But all Jimin did was turn around with a smile, refusing the offer. "Always" he whispered.

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