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It was 10 am, Jimin and Taehyung were still in bed tangled together in the bed sheets. Being half awake, Taehyung could hear the laughing of Hoseok and Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi seemed to be watching the TV since Taehyung could feel the vibration of exploding cars through the wall. The quartet were leaving today, so that would leave Jimin and Taehyung on their own again, 2 more weeks before school started again. The incident of the fire still spooked Taehyung to this day. He just couldn't imagine what would happen if Jimin never came out.

Shuffling in the bed, Taehyung stared at Jimin's abdomen again. The tattoo, Taehyung had tried to ask Jimin what it meant but he always forgot. Without realising, Jimin cleared his throat, snapping Taehyung out of his thoughts. A blush crept onto his face and he quickly looked away.

"What does that tattoo mean?" He blurted out, recovering a grin from Jimin whose hair was sticking up in every direction. Jimin opened his mouth to speak but someone popped their head through the door before the boy could utter a word.

"Guys, we are leaving now" Yoongi stood un-amused in the doorway of their room, waiting for a reply. Taehyung and Jimin both scrambled out of bed and into the living room where the four boys were holding their luggage, waiting for Jimin.

"Aish, I didn't bring my car idiot. You gotta drive us back to Incheon" Jin chuckled, signalling for the sleepy Jimin whose face was in shock. Not bothering to change, Jimin grabbed his car keys and told the quartet to get moving.

"Bye Taehyung!" They smiled simultaneously and waved goodbye to Taehyung who was once again left alone at home. The Incheon was a great length away from Busan, by the time Jimin came back, it would be night time. Sighing, Taehyung sat himself down on the sofa and remembered something.

The medicine prescription that was for Jimin. He couldn't have hidden it anywhere too obvious. Getting back onto his feet, Taehyung was determined to find out what the problem was.

He searched under the bed, in the bathroom, in the closet, drawers. Everywhere. Still they were nowhere to be found until he faced something rather odd in the wooden closet of Jin and Namjoon's room.

Gently pushing the hatch with his fingers, it smoothly opened. Revealing the rolled up paper bag that Jimin was every so desperately trying to hide from Taehyung. But when he picked it up with victory in his eyes, Taehyung gaped.

The information tag was ripped off. Crushing the bag In his palm, Taehyung threw it at the wall and walked out.

"What are you hiding from me!?" Taehyung yelled to himself, feeling defeated with tears in his eyes.


As Taehyung would have guessed, by the time Jimin would be back in Busan, the sun would have already died. Entering the quiet house, Jimin didn't bother to look for Taehyung, but went onto the balcony instead. Leaning on the wooden rails, Jimin reached into his leather jacket for a box. The cigarette box.

He took out a cigarette and placed it in between his dry lips, setting it alight and letting the smoke destroy his body. Jimin had forgotten how long it had being going for, he started smoking ever since-

"Jimin?" Taehyung's voice called out for him, panicking, Jimin threw the cigarette over the railings and took a deep breath of fresh air. When he turned around, Taehyung was standing with a pale face.

"Tae...wh-what happened?" Jimin tried to cover up his hoarse voice from the smoke scorching his throat, but Taehyung undeniably detected it.

"You- you have been smoking?" Taehyung's voice wobbled, taking a step closer. Jimin hoped that the stench of tobacco had disappeared in the strong coastal wind.

"What? Why would you think that?" He was a terrible liar, he had never been good at masking his voice when it came to situations like this. Taehyung took a step closer, Jimin finally being able to see the flitting, colourless eyes of Taehyung.

"Stop lying" He growled, Jimin was startled by the hostility in the younger one's voice.

"I'm no-" But before he could finish his sentence, Taehyung reached out, grabbing a handful of Jimin's collar and smashed his lips onto his. Jimin froze, his heart pounding violently against his collapsing ribs

Taehyung then- second later tore his lips away and spluttered a cough. Crushing something deep inside of Jimin as he looked upon the boy with disgust.

"Why? Why are you doing this? Are you trying to kill yourself?!" Taehyung raised his voice, obviously tasting the bitter smoke after the kiss.

Jimin's eyes watered and before he could control it, the tears ran down his face.

Jimin pushed past Taehyung, entering the living room.

"You know nothing!" He yelled through sobs.

Jimin took refuge in his room and closed the door with the locks. Sliding down into a sitting position against the door...

"You know nothing..." He whispered

I am dying... he screamed

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