Walking around Tokyo

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"Time to leave you guys!" Dai-chan said.

What really surprised me was that right after we met he allowed me to call him dai-chan which I thought was very kind. I mean they are all kind but he has been the kindest to me and I really like being around him.

"Okay we are coming!" I said.

----In the van on the way around Tokyo----
"What's the first stop?" I asked everyone.

"Well since it's noon already I think we should go eat." They said.

We actually took a really long to get ready because all three of us shared a bathroom and it was only big enough for one person at a time. So we were a little late getting out.

"Okay. How do you guys like going to a grill?" Inoo asked.

"I love grills." My mom said.

"Great then let's go there." Yamada said.

"Which one there is a lot here that I have seen already." My friend said.

"Well we go to this one all the time. So we can go there. Sound like a deal?" Yamada replied to my friend's question.

----Inside the restaurant----
"I'll have the (desired meal. I can't think of any when I'm not hungry sorry)." I said.

"That's what we'll have too." My mom and friend said.

"Wow this is so good. How often do you guys come here because they all seem that they know you personally not just as JE idols?" I asked them.

"Well we come here at least 3 times a week. Mostly because we always have shootings near here." Yabu replied.

"Oh Yamada I forgot to ask how was your birthday. Before I forget happy late birthday."

"Oh it was good this time I didn't get pie in my face twice." He said jokingly.

"Well that's good, because I thought you would expect this." I said while slapping a creme pie in his face while laughing hysterically.

"That was pretty good to be honest." He said with creme everywhere on his face.

"I have a question where are we going to after this?" My friend asked.

"Well since we got out so late we will probably just go a head and JUMP to the concert rehearsals. Hehe see what I did there." Hikaru said.

"Okay that'll be good." She replied.

----Back in the van----
"Hey hikaru I think I might like her. This is bad." Dai-chan whispered.

"What's so bad about that?" He asked.

"Well I mean we just met and she probably already has a boyfriend."

"Dai-chan, if she had a boyfriend he would have been at the birthday party but there were only girls." Hikaru said trying to cheer him up.

"I might confess at the after party. Better now than later." Dai-chan said.

"If you need any help let little hikaru over here help." He said.

A/N: sorry this was so short I kinda have to rush but I'll make the next one better. Hopefully.

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