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Have you ever wanted something so bad you would kill for it? Sounds cliche right? Well what if the person you would have to kill happens to be yourself? Not so cliche after all. I know some of you know exactly what I mean, as for you other lucky few...good for you.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not some goth chick. Actually I Payton Summers use to be very popular, though happy I was not. That is why on some random Saturday night I though an overdose of pills would do the trick. Sadly that just made it all worse, or better depending on how you look at it.

Curious? I guess telling someone would make it more real. I never believe something even semi good could happen to a girl as broken as myself. Maybe the pills really did change my life in ways I would never understand. Though that could also be because I don't remember anything before that night. Just whats in these little journals I use to keep and what my old friends have told me. I'm not sure though how much I really trust them. Oh and then there was him. I guess I'm just going to have to fight through this like every other teenage girl who have lost their memory....right?


Ok.. well even though most people don't read these author notes in going to write one. Please comment on if i'm doing ok or if you actually want to to continue. And thanks to huntyjj for introuducing me to this amazing site! okey well byee ^-^

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