T h i r t e e n

528 25 18

I'm laying this bed just thinking about Leian and how I keep messing up .. I really messed up bad but if she's willing to give me a chance then hey.
I woke up in this hospital bed which I thought was all a dream , WRONG .. I flipped the switch to the tv turning it on.
I saw my boys coming in .. Kevin and Daniel.
I gave them a bro hug when they walked in.
They were talking about the tours .. And stuff like that. I was so ready to see all the beautiful Digaz no lie.
I saw Leian walk in boy she was beautiful .. After all I've done I knew she was the one. A real rider since diapers she gave me a tight hug and sat down in a chair.
Kevin and Sierra went outside .. I guess their back on good terms. Daniel is a single Pringle but it's ok he got the Digaz.
He stepped outside to.
It was just me a Leian .. She came and sat at the end of the bed and played with my lips. Ugh this girl still got her old ways.
I just laughed.
She grabbed my hand and was playing with it. I couldn't lie I missed this a lot :)
I gave her a peck on the cheek and she just blushed.
My mom came in and spoke to Leian and brought me some lunch. She told me I had therapy today to help me walk and start getting up.
I had a concert in a week. So that means I have 1 week to get my stuff together and get out this bed.

I went up to the hospital today to see Devin. His curls were all over the place but he was still cute.
I walked in the hospital with Sierra and her and Kevin went outside to talk. Yaay for them ! I went inside to see Daniel but he left shortly becoming the third wheel .. I went to sit beside Devin.. Playing with his lips and fingers.
He just laughed. Mrs.gordon came in greeting me with a tight hug telling me how Devin had therapy today.
I stuck around. Until 10:00pm I had school in the morning so I couldn't stay long. Before I left I helped Devin get out the bed and walk the halls;) since he really wants to perform.
He's progressing so far.
Before I left Devin pulled me back whispering in my ear. "Goodnight BabyGirl"
I just smiled and whispered in his "Goodnight Devin"
I got in the elevator and texted my mom I was on my way home.
Lexi drove me home. We had fun blasting beyonce she's so chill.
She pulled up to my house and I thanked her for taking me home.
I went in the house.. And was greeted by my sister my brother and my mom.
"Sit down Leian we have to talk" my mom said

~ yaay for keviekev 😂😆😆 , what do u think they have to talk about ?

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