Chapter 2: The Arrest

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"Hey, you! Stop where you are, and turn around with your hands where I can see them!"

We stopped, and both of our heads whipped around to see a tall police officer standing in the doorway of the guard house right behind us, and neither he nor the giant Houndoom standing at his side looked very happy.

I swear my heart did a cartwheel into my stomach. I had the intense urge to run, but my feet were somehow cemented to the ground. Actually, on second thought, there's no way that I could've outran that huge, snarling, probably bloodthirsty Houndoom anyway.

"Where did you come from?" the officer demanded to know.

"You mean what city?" I asked innocently. "Well, we both come from Veridian, which is right down the road there." I pointed at the city, which was clearly visible at the end of the perfectly straight street.

"Don't play stupid," the officer said. "To make myself perfectly clear, I walked all the way here from Pewter City, with no one in front of me. When I walked into this guard house, I was the first person to pass through all day, and I saw no one on the path outside that doorway. Then, I turn my back for one minute, and you two suddenly appear, frolicking down the path.

"Now, I'll ask you one more time: where did you come from?" he asked slowly, eyeing the gap between the fence and the wall, then looking back at us. "And if I were you, I would keep in mind that I tend to go easy on kids who confess to their crimes before I have to prove them guilty."

There was no way that I was going to confess to something that shouldn't even be a crime, and give away our secret in the same move. The secret which was the only thing that had been, and still was, keeping me alive and sane for all these years. Not over my dead body.

So, I began spinning a story.

"Well," I began with a voice so overly sweet that it sickened me, "my cousin and I were taking a walk, since we have the day off, and it's such a nice day with the sunshine and the cool breeze and all. So we walked around town, and then we walked down this street, and we decided to turn around and go back when we reached the guard house. But we were a little out of breath, so we stopped to rest and sat down against that wall," I gestured to the wall of the guard house between the doorway and the fence, "for, oh, I don't know, five or ten minutes? Just enjoying the sunshine and the breeze, you know. So that must have been when you got to the guard house, because from where we were sitting, you couldn't have seen us from inside. Then, when we got up and started walking back to town to go be with our families before the ceremonies today, that was when you saw us." I explained, surprising myself at the actually pretty believable lie I had just spun.

The police officer just kind of stood there for a few seconds, blinking at me. I was still looking innocently up at him. Inside, I was desperately hoping that he bought it, and was just thinking of a way to apologize or something like that.

That, however, was not the case. The officer walked towards me, a smug look on his face.

"Then how," he was coming closer and closer to me, "do you explain," our faces were merely inches apart, "this?" He grabbed the ripped hem of my shirt, looking down to my face and waiting for an answer.

"I, um, was, uh," I stammered. The police officer was really intimidating me, like he could see right through me. My mind felt blank, like a brand new notebook, and I was flipping through it looking for notes that I hadn't written yet.

He smirked, having gotten the response that he wanted, then let go of my shirt and walked back to the fence. He reached in between the wall and the chain-link, trying and failing to squeeze his huge chest through. My mind flickered back to the whole running thing, but then I glanced over at the Houndoom, whose eyes were locked securely on me, and I decided to stay where I was. After a few seconds, the police officer got a hold of whatever he was trying to grab, and side-stepped away from the fence. He walked back over to Hayley and me, holding something in his clenched fist.

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