Chapter 8: Training Day 1 Part 2

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(Author's Note)

Hey guys! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!!! :) So as you may have already noticed, I published a Prologue as a gift for you, and I also added a paragraph to the first chapter. I was going to add that whole thing later, but i decided that for the sake of plot and not wanting any holes, because I'm going to reference it later, that it would fit better as a prologue. So go read that! And I will be working on the next chapter to publish it hopefully in the beginning of January. So enjoy this one!

At 1:00, they gave us an hour for a lunch break, in which time we were expected to go back up to our district suites and eat with our mentor and escort. Chet and I got into the first elevator with Sarah and Marcus from Sevii, and were soon dropped off on our floor, a few feet from the door of our suite. There was another huge feast waiting for us in the dining area. Flint and Dessi were already seated at the table.

"So? How did the first half of your first day of training go?" Flint asked excitedly.

"Um, OK, I guess." I responded, loading food onto my plate.

"Have you interacted with any of the other tributes?" Dessi inquired.

"Yeah. Marcus from Sevii and Branden from Sinnoh. They're both cool with forming an alliance." Chet replied before shoving an entire dinner roll in his mouth.

"Oh, how wonderful!" Dessi clapped her hands together and clutched them in front of her, as if she was being overdramatically cliche on purpose. But with Dessi, who knows? "Bethany? What about you?"

I shrugged. I had talked to Claire a lot, and really wanted to ally with her, but I didn't want mentors to get involved yet. I wanted to make sure that Claire wanted to be my ally, too, before I made anything final. Plus I didn't really want to hear commentary about how cute little underdog tributes get a lot of pity sponsors but won't last long in the Games unless you protect them because they're cute and small, so they're obviously weak and defenseless. I wasn't going to use her just to get a few sponsors. That wasn't the point.

"I dunno. I was just learning a bunch of the survival skills, talking to the tributes that were there." Which was Claire the whole time, but they don't need to know that.

"That's okay. Sometimes you just gotta view your options and not rush into things to fast. But I would start taking a more serious approach soon, or else everyone else will group together and you'll have to scramble to find someone who'll take you." Flint warned.

"Well now, I don't think she'll have too much trouble," Dessi countered, "She did make a splash at the Parade with her Charmander costume. Nobody will forget that tail flame anytime soon!"

"Still," Flint turned back to me, "start making some acquaintances. You want to be on people's radar, in a good way. Just be careful to pick out the good ones."

"Ok. I think I'll be fine, I just have to talk to people."

"Alright, but do it soon. The sooner you get on with the other tributes, the sooner I'll be able to finalize alliances with their mentors."

I made a "mm-hmm" sound as I took another bite of food and tried not to let myself get too stressed out over the whole alliance thing.

Just find one more person, I told myself, someone who is ok with forming an alliance with Claire too, and you'll be fine. I hoped.

For the rest of lunch, I pondered the alliance issue. It would be difficult to find someone trustworthy out of the other 10 tributes. Well, there were really only 7 to consider, because I had the impression that Chet and his little friends weren't going to want to have anything to do with me, judging by the way he glared at me. Sometimes it made me wonder what I ever did to that kid to be avoided to the point of being completely ignored.

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