Chapter 21

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Arianas's Pov:

Justin hugged me tightly. It felt so good to be in his arms.

He kissed my forehead .

"Do you wanna stay over at my house?" Justin whispered in my ear .

'Yeah, my mom won't care." I shrugged.

"I'll order pizza. What's your favorite show?"

"Pretty little liars and Scream Queens." I cried.

"I tried watching one episode of pretty little liars. They are so dumb." He groaned.

I giggled as I put Netflix on. "Kay, guess we're watching scream queens."  I yelled.


1 hour later

I woke up to find my head on Justin's lap.

"Uhh Jay? " I Got off of him and kicked him off the couch.

He yelped in pain as he picked up a pillow, hitting me rapidly.

I fell to the ground and snatched the pillow away from his, he was trapped.


After 2 hours of playing with Justin, I finally got home.

There were many cars in our driveway and the door was unlocked.

"Ariana Grande - Butera. Where have you been?" My mom rushed to the door.

"I was at Justin's." I said

"Oh, well there is some news.." My mom was feeling guilty.

I pretended that I didn't hear the incident with Lexie.

"Poor Lexie, hung herself yesterday." My mom sobbed.

"WHAT??" I lied.

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