Chapter 24

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Ariana's Pov:

Justin said one of the most sweetest things that a person could ever talk about.


It was the end of the school day, so I have to go grocery shopping with Justin.

I went over to his locker. "Hey Justin, are you ready." He turned around.

"Yep." He said popping the 'P' .

"Last one in the car is a rotten egg." I dashed to the car, Justin was a little behind me. But then, he picked me up and spun me around.

"JUSTIN PUT ME DOWN!!" I yelled, playfully.

"Only if you say.. Justin Drew Bieber is the hottest guy in the school." He said chuckling.

"Okay.. Okay.. Justin is the hottest guy in the school." He put me down.

I ran back to my car and screamed "I DIDNT SAY IT WAS JUSTIN BIEBER! It could be any Justin in the world. Like Justin Timberlake."

"Yeah, I should've caught you again." Justin said panting "You are very fast."

"Well I was in Gymnastics last year, and in the 6th grade I did track." I replied.

"That explains a lot." He said "I play a lot of hockey, but I go over to Canada."

"Impressive. Anyways, we have to go to Walmart to pick our groceries."

I turned on the radio and Work by Rihanna was playing.

I was dancing to the music, while my hands were on the steering wheel.


After we were done grocery shopping, we headed to the mall.

"Let's go to Victoria Secret." Justin groaned, I pulled his hand inside the store.

"Ohh.. I like the scent of this perfume." I sprayed it on the tester.

Justin gagged at the smell. "This smells so nasty." I smacked his elbow, everyone in the store had their eyes on us.

Walking to the cash register, Justin caught my eye. He was looking at the Panties and Bra section. I grabbed his hand again like I was his mother.

"Stop that!" I whisper yelled.

We went back to the register. "That would be 58 dollars, Ma'am."

I pulled out 100 dollars from my bag and gave it to the employee.

"I can't believe you just wasted 60 dollars on a tiny ass perfume bottle." I scoffed.

"You spend 70 dollars on hair gel!" I stood on my tippy toes, and messed up his hair with my fingers.

"How do you know that?" He said.

"Uhh.. I went to your house before." I said looking at Justin.

"Oh right. Hey wann-"

"Are you hungry cause I am!" I interrupted.

"I was just about to say that." I giggled.

"Imma order some pizza. What about you?" I said

Justin nodded "Same, but with extra pepperoni."

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