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I feel my tears swell up in my eyes again. This time I'm helpless to hold them back. I bend over and wipe them away but they keep coming.

"Whoa, did I say something wrong." Aden says clearly  surprised by my sudden tears.

I shake my head. "No it's not you. It just nice to hear you say that." I sit back rubbing my eyes. Ugh I hate my hormones. Who ever said period don't mess with your moods can go fvck themselves. I take a deep breath calming myself down.

"It just feels like I've been surrounded by a lot of fake people lately. As of right now you're the realist person I know." I say.

Aden looks over at me. There is concern in his eyes. I probably look like a mess now. It's a good thing I don't wear make up or else I'd be rocking the black tear look.

"I'm sorry April. I didn't mean for you to get hurt." Aden said.

I rest my head back against the set.  I chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Aden asked.

"We've been partners for only two days and I feel like at least half our conversation have been devoted towards apologizing."

Aden smiled. "Yeah, I guess so."

We sat in comfortable silence for the rest of the ride. I stare out the window not really thinking about anything. Aden has the station turned to some unknown band but the melody is good. I close my eyes and before I know it I've drifted off to sleep.

Aden shakes my arm. I blink a few times.  His boyish face and emerald green eyes comes into focus. I smile at him.

"Hey." He says.


Aden holds my gaze. This is the first time I've notice but there are fleck of blue inside of his eyes.

"We're here?" Aden says looking out of my window.

I turn to look at my small brick home. Jamal's car is parked out in front. Their probably both waiting inside.

I turn back to Aden. "Can I just stay here with you?"

Aden smiled.

"You have a nice smile. You should smile more often." I say. I almost reach out to touch his face but I stop myself. I just told him I'd stop doing invading his comfort zone and I'm already ready to break that promise. It's weird because I'm not normally this touchy.

"You're stalling, April."

I sigh and look back at the house. Guess I might as well rip the bandage off. I open the car door and step out. I close the door and turn back toward Aden.

"Thanks for the ride." I say.

"Anytime April."

I close the door and walk up to our front door. The door opened before my hand even touches the door nob. My father is stand there with an angry look on his face.

"April Robinson, what is this I hear about you refusing a ride from your brothers. And who was that in the car who just dropped you off." He asked looking pass me.

I sigh. Now introducing over protective family member number three.

"Just a friend from school. Can I please come in?" I say

Dad steps to the side and I walk in past him. He closes the door behind me.

"Whose friend? Keith's or Jamal's?" He asked.

"I'm capable of making my own friends, daddy."

I don't know why people find that so hard to believe. It's like they all think no one is capable of liking me for me. Technically most of my friends are their friend but that's just because their friends with half my high school population.

"I didn't say you weren't it's just your always hang around with the boys. I think it's nice you finally get some girl friends." Dad says.

I could tell him that Aden is a boy but that would mean opening a can of warms I'm not ready for.

Jamal steps out from the kitchen. Our eyes meet but I quickly look away. I'm still upset about earlier. The Robinson men are insanely over protective. Daddy always said he had two bullets with the name of the guy who broke my heart waiting in his shot gun. I'm not sure how serious he was but knowing him it's a good thing I haven't had a boyfriend yet.

"April." Jamal says

I look back up at him. "Jamal." I say back with irritation in my voice. Jamal is normally the calm voice of reasoning for me but I don't want to listen to anything he has to say right now.

"Are you guys fighting?" Dad asks picking up on the tension in the room.

"It's nothing." I say not taking my eyes off of Jamal.

"I doubt that but I'm going to trust you guys to figure it out." Dad answers moving past us. He stops in front of Jamal.

"What ever the problem is I hope that being the oldest you decided to take the higher road." Dad says.

"Yes, sir." Jamal answered standing up straighter. Daddy's always pushing him to be the responsible one. Under normal circumstances I'd feel bad for him. It's a lot of pressure to have to look out for both me and Keith.

Dad disappears around the corner. Jamal looks back at me. We are at a stand still. I cross my arms over my chest. He's the biggest disappointment out of my two brothers. Keith was friendly with the charm to attract anyone but Jamal had the kindest heart. He went above and beyond for the people he cared about. He was loyal to a fault and if you were with him you knew you were going to be taken care of.

I knew that everything that my brothers did wasn't perfect but I always considered them to be good people.


"I don't want to talk to you Jamal." I say breezing past him.

"April, I'm sorry." Jamal calls as I walk up the stairs. I turn back around to look at him.

"That apology shouldn't be for me. I'm not the one you tormented."

"What do you want me to do, April? You want me to apologize to your little boyfriend."

I frown "He's not my boy-"

"I heard about what happened in bio. You were kissing all up on him. I know you want a boyfriend but you could do better April. You don't have to through yourself at basic dude like a thirsty slu-"

My fist come in contact with his face cutting him off. He wasn't prepared and I hit him square in the jaw.

Jamal rears back. His hand reaches up to touch his face and his eyes are wide with shock. I glare back at him. My knuckles sting but I ignore it.

"I swear Jamal if you keep talking you're going to make me lose any ounce of respect I have left for you. " I say.

I turn away from him and storm up the stairs. I slam the door shut behind me and fall onto my bed. My heart hurts and twist.

Slut. He was going to call me a slut. All my life I'd looked up to Jamal and that's what he thought of me. Tears swell in my eyes. I've been called names before but it didn't sting nearly as much as it did coming from Jamal. I never would have thought my own brother could say something like that to me. Tears fall down my face and onto my pillow. I don't ever want to look at either of them again. I don't even know who they are anymore.

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