Thirty Nine

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I look at my phone again. Aden never texted me back which is honestly a little disappointing. I don't like when he goes dark on me, but I try not to think about it.

This isn't like last time he stopped texting. We're not fighting so there's probably a reasonable excuse why he didn't text me back. Maybe his phone died or something like that. Whatever it is I'm sure it is it's nothing.

I grab my backpack and leave out of my room. The first thing I see when I leave the hallway is Jamal standing there.

"April-" Jamal starts but I just brush pass him.

"April, wait." Jamal reaches out a hand to grab me. I turn back and glare at him. I can see the hickey marks on his neck. They instant remind me of what he and that trashy girl made me listen to yesterday. The thought of it makes me want to through up.

"I'm sorry April. I shouldn't have brought her hear and I shouldn't have been drinking. I just felt so lonely. " Jamal said taking a step closer to me. "Besides ask yourself what's the real reason that you're mad. Is it really because I could have got hurt or is it something more you don't want to admit?"

I take a step closer to him. Our eyes lock and we stand nearly inches apart. His brown eyes stare down into mine.

"Mad? Since when do I even care?" I say.

I yank my hand back and turn away from him. Before I turned away I could see the hurt in his eyes. I don't care. In fact I want him to hurt. All I did was throw his words back at him. Jamal seemed to think he could say whatever he wanted without worrying about how I felt. I didn't see why I couldn't do the same.

I march down the stairs seething in my anger. He asked me if my anger came from smoothing more than just worry for his safety as if I needed another excuse. Like he doesn't realize what seeing him in a hospital did to me, as if my fear of seeing him back there isn't a valid enough reason to be this upset with him.

Screw him. I'm done worrying about someone who doesn't worry about themselves.

Even before the accident I tried to tell him that selling weed and hanging out with the wrong people would get him into trouble, but did he listen? No, because I'm just the paranoid sister who cares too much.

Now he wanted to put himself in more danger with women and alcohol. Well, you know what, fine by fvcking me. He can go dig himself an early grave for all I care.

I'm so angry that I almost don't see Keith stepping out of the kitchen. His holding his bowl of fruity pebbles and giving me a confused look.

"Is ever thing okay." Keith asked.


"I'll take that as a no."

"I don't know, why don't you go ask you're brother. He's the one acting like an a$$."

Keith sighs. "Are you two fighting again?"

"Nope, we're not fight, I'm just done. From now on his your brother and I want nothing to do with him."

"April don't say that. You just think that because your upset right now. Once you calm down-"

"I am calm."

I'm just tried of being the forgiving one. I bend myself backward to try to see the good in my brother, to try and be understanding. I'm done understanding him.

Keith put his bowl down and walks back over to me. He rest his hand on my shoulders. "No your not. Remember the one time I cut your pigtail? You pretended I didn't exist for a whole month. You told everyone you only had one brother. That's all this is. Your upset right now, and maybe that's for a valid reason, but you still love Jamal because that's how family works."

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