Chapter 1: Masked

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"I would like to call Skyler May Oaks to the stand." Chip's pointless lawyer said, moving his eyes slightly over to me.

I slowly stood up and made my way over to the witness stand, feeling all the eyes on me. Just after a month, a lawyer had walked right into Chip's hospital room and said that this was being taken to court, even Chip had a few words to share with the lawyer as Agent Wolfe lost his mind and cursed more than I could count. But there was nothing we could do about it, even if Chip told the man he know he was toast, the lawyer would just laugh and now, we're all here, Chip in an orange jump suit and full body cuffs as he rubs his forehead in frustration. Before I sat down, I raised my hand and listened to what the lawyer said.

"I swear that the evidence that I shall give, shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God." He said loudly to where his voice was heard from every direction in the court room.

"I swear." I said.

"You may sit." He said and I did so.

I looked around the room to meet Luke's gaze, he just gave me a slight smile and I returned it before the lawyer made me turn my full attention towards him.

"How are you today, Miss Oaks?" He asked, rolling a pencil between his fingers. What a strange guy.

"Good I guess." I sighed and looked over to Agent Wolfe, who had his chin rested in the palm of his hand as he eyes the back of Chip's head like he was trying to melt his brain.

The lawyer just cleared his throat. "Alright. Can you tell me who you were kidnapped with?" He asked as he slowly started to pace the front of the witness desk.

I just took in an easy breath. "Yes, I was taken with my friend, and my-my ex-boyfriend." I said and the lawyer just turned his attention towards me.

"Their names?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

I looked down. I don't know if I could say Izzy's name. "Luke Toland, and-and Izzy Toland." I said, fighting to hold back the tears.

"Now just tell everyone what happened real quick of what you may remember." He said as I turned to look at the jury who all turned their head's towards me.

Just do it. "Izzy had gotten the invite in her locker and decided that it would be fun to go so she took me, and her brother, Luke, decided to go with us for safe measures. We had gotten to the location and everything seemed fine." Besides the drunk boys. "We were at the party for over an hour or so and we were just about to head back home when we were attacked." I paused to see if the Lawyer had anything to say but he was quite so I continued. "We were attacked by his car and they had Luke down before they started putting what I think was chloroform over our mouths to make us pass out." I said, moving my eyes a little to see that Chip was looking right at me, his cuffed hands holding his chin.

The lawyer just let out a sound that made me give him a strange face. He walked over to his desk where he grabbed papers that were stapled together and slowly walked towards me, but stopped about half way, reading out loud.

"Now, when the police asked how you were able to call them in California, you told them this, quote. "I had managed to get away from Sean, Sean Dyer, and managed to find a near motel that was cheap. After I tried to call 911, it was somehow hacked so I stopped using it and the following day, I asked the front desk lady if I could use a phone, she told me yes." End quote. Miss Oaks, mind telling me something?"

I just blinked at him. "Tell you what?"

He smiled. "Why you didn't tell the front desk who you were." He said as he lowered the paper. The room went cold.

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