It's Only ↣ Chapter 13

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[Tobias' Point of View]

I get out of the shower and wrap my towel around my waist feeling the annoying cold air hit my warmed skin. I exit the bathroom to see Tris still sleeping on bed, her hair sprawled over her bare back. After we awoke from our nap yesterday and ate some food that she made and then just lounged around all day relaxing until Marcus came home drunk. We went to my room and locked the door, had some fun together and now it's a new day.

I dry off and put on some briefs and I slip on a pair of Adidas pants, I do the idiotic move of hopping around the room trying to put my left leg into the pants leg but I under up tripping over Tris' overnight bag and fall to the ground with a huge thud. I hear Tris stir from the bed and I just lay there hoping that she doesn't wake up.

"Tobias?" I hear Tris' voice and my head pops up from beside the bed and she gives me a tired smile. . . that's why I didn't want to wake her up. "Good Morning." She laughs at me. I smile and stand up pressing a quick kiss to her lips.

"Good Morning." I tell her and stand up. While having small talk with her as she takes a shower, I finish getting dressed. I put on a white long sleeve shirt with my black Nike wind-breaker jacket and my black Timberlands. While Tris gets dressed in the bathroom, I lay on my bed resting my eyes for a quick second. I hear my phone ding from the charger on my bedside and I lean over with a groan picking up my phone.

+1-806-276-4848 lights up on the screen. I roll my eyes recognizing the number. . . Nita. Somehow she got my number, I don't know how but she would send me text expecting me to reply. I ignore the number and set it back down on the dresser. I feel the bed do a slight dip beside me and I feel the weight of someone half laying on me.

"Why are we dressed up?" Tris asks drawing lines on my chest as I breathe in her usual scent of Vanilla hits my nose. I smile and wrap my arms around her perfect figure.

"I really don't know." I say and realization hits me, why am I fully dressed?

"Good!" Tris sits up on her knees smiling, I see that she is wearing the same exact thing as me except her shirt is black. "I want to go to the mall." She says with her eyes gleaming. Tris doesn't really like shopping but sometimes she would drag me with her to the mall or various stores to get clothes, she might not like shopping but she is human and does need to wear clothes.

"You're dragging me there again?" I playfully groan so I can piss her off on purpose, she is so cute when she is upset and I love seeing her raise her eyebrows at me and furrow them together when I playfully get loud with her.

"Tobias," She sighs, "That was almost two months ago, I need to go because now that it is cold outside and getting colder I want a new pair of UGG's even though I hate them."

"Well that's stupid. Why get them if you hate them." I ask tapping my finger on the tip of her nose. She rolls her beautiful eyes at me.

"I don't like them, but they keep my feet warm." She tells me with a smart tone, proving me wrong. "Let's go!" She exclaims and grabs her hand and starts pulling me up dragging me to my feet.


Tris swings our hands back and forth as we walk around the mall, I look like an idiot holding a pink Victoria's Secret bag in my hand. But, most of the boys here are in the same boat as I am so they can't say anything to me. Tris and I went to a few stores, I paid for most of the stuff since I don't want her spending all of her's.

"You're the best boyfriend ever!" Tris smiles at me as we finish up at the mall, leaving it. I smile and lean down kissing her.

"Look at the happy couple!" I hear a voice that almost sounds like a sneer. Tris and I turn at the upset voice to see Nita standing there with her friends. Tris purses her lips as Nita and her friends walk towards us, "Good to see you guys, too bad were going the opposite way." She pouts and waves at Tris and winks at me.

"Ugh." Tris groans, "What I would do to just make her go back to her annoying boarding school." She rolls her eyes as we get into the car and I laugh kissing her cheek.

"It doesn't even matter, I love you." I tell her kissing her cheek. She smiles at me kissing me back.

"I know." She laughs as I pull out of the parking space. I pout at her and she laughs, "I love you too." She grabs my hand.

Nita just keeps popping up! Hopefully the next chapter will be more into depth on who that person was and how Nita got his number.

Thanks for all of the input last chapter!

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