William and Edward

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Edward was never keen on exceedingly fancy ball parties. Nor being accompanied by the presence of one of the most irritating young lady's in the town.

The young teen was sat upon a dark mahogony bench on the outskirts of the glossy marbled dance floor, firmly pressed against the wall for those who'd rather seem invisible to the swarming crowd of dancing partners.
He watched as the men and women weaved through each other like a sharp needle sewing the seams of a ballgown. Why was he here again? It seems to have slipped his mind, Edward hadn't really paid much attention to when his careless parents had explained the reason to this party. Even if he had paid a pinch of his attention to the conversation it wouldn't make his parents love him like he wish they would.

Golden eyes scanned across the large ballroom, taking in the surroundings of, what must have been, priceless amounts of decor and furnishing, from the dark velvet curtains with golden lining, draping down the sides of the large windows to the chandelier hanging in the center of the room, long fragile crystals hovering above the crowd, light bouncing off them and reflecting delicate purples and pinks onto the pearl white walls.

Out of all these valuable possessions planted neatly around the room, Edwards eyes came to a halt.
A young teenager stood at the other end of the ballroom, silver hair slicked to the side, his fringe an odd dark hazel shade, azure orbs glistening like clear water and his sleek body clothed in a neat tail coat accompanied with a striped waist below and dark bottoms draping down his fine legs. The mysterious boy was surrounded by a dozen girls dressed in multiple styled dresses, their hair either hanging down by their smooth shoulders or wrapped into a charming bun. Ironically, Edwards assigned dance partner for the night was one of them.

Edward's gaze trailed up and down the teenager's features, his heart jumped into his throat, blood rushing to his face, his chest filling with a strangley fuzzy feeling. As his eyes trailed back to the other's porcelaine face, cerulean met amber. He broke his gaze away from the other boy, face burning hot like a fire.

'Straight!' He thought, 'I don't even know him and he's obviously straight!'

Edward snapped his head down, messy raven locks falling over his rose tinted face. His pale hand reached for a glass of water on the table beside the bench, covered in expensive gormet foods and drink. He placed his lips to the glass and took a mouth full of water.


Edward glanced up to where the voice had emitted from. His dark lashed eyes widened and attempting to swallow his mouth full of water ensued in  half of it slipping down the wrong way.


The mysterious young teen stood uncomfortably close to Edward, a few strands of that beautiful silver hair falling over his extremely handsome face. His eyebrows kneated together in an expression of concern, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.

Only then had Edward realised that he had been staring at the other boy's captivating looks whilst trying his best not to die from lack of oxygen. He immediately held his breathe. If it were possible, Edward would believe his already rose red cheeks went a darker shade.

"What's a beautiful person like yourself doing sitting off to the side?" Came the question, the teen's azure orbs resting on Ed's burning face.

Beautiful person?

Attempting to muster up the courage to form an answer for the silver haired beauty's question, the only thing that managed to escape Ed's lips were "uh"s and "um"s. The other boy's smirk grew and a few giggles slipped out from his mouth. The boy placed himself on the glossed bench, sliding up to Edward, leaving the tiniest amount of space between their finger tips as if the blue eyed boy were a lion teasing its prey.

"William." He said.


"William Charles Claxton, nice to meet you."

Placing his hand out infront of dark headed boy, Will grew a genuine smile.

The amber eyed teen hastily took his soft hand.

"Edward Lock." He said blankly.

William gave the other's hand a firm shake and looked him in the eye.

"Well, Edward Lock, I do believe you have me to yourself for the rest of this lovely night."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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